MANOS - The Hands of Fate Review

By , on July 27, 2012

MANOS - The Hands of Fate
  • Publisher: FreakZone
  • Genre: Action
  • Released: 26 Jul, 2012
  • Size: 25.1 MB
  • Price: $0.99
Download on the AppStore
3 out of 5


  • 'Old school' platforming marries perfectly with 'old school' cinema.


  • Incomplete game engine; bugs (bosses remaining active after death), no real menu system.


If you know about and have had the pleasure of enjoying the MST3K version of 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' then by all means, make this a purchase - it's frustrating, confusing and dated in its appeal... the perfect companion to a pop-culture classic.

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

[This review was featured as the Mini-review for the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 27th of July, 2012]

Not that I'm going to recommend watching Manos: The Hands of Fate, but if you're a fan of comedy commentary you should watch MST3K's cult-classic episode that covers this atrocious film. Of course they used a somewhat imperfect copy of the film and fans of bad cinema can find a color version in all of its glory floating around the Internet (or even the App Store if you so desire).

The last time we saw FreakZone their rather trippy homage to Super Mario Brothers managed to attract our attention, but now their retro (and dare I say it, less than perfect) platform engine has been used to great effect, acting as an homage to a complete train-wreck of a film.

The pseudo-Castlevania style visuals are a perfect match for the Master's creepy mansion and you can expect more than a few platforming traps to keep you on your toes. It's far from a platforming classic, but then again it doesn't hang around for very long either - getting you in and out with a few chuckles under your belt.


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