Volcano Escape - Live Hands-On Preview

By , on February 11, 2011

After the positive comments we received from our 5 million viewers video, we've decided to stick with the format for our hands-on previews. It's great fun getting to experience a game in a live setting and while there's no-one else there to act as a sounding board, openly discussing some of the issues that crop up really helps to nail them down.

Volcano Escape is an upcoming endless platformer from Bravo Game Studios set (not coincidentally) in a volcano as you attempt to (you guessed it) escape! Multiple characters are teased and unlockable by completing various challenges, some of which will require grinding, while others you're likely to obtain naturally as you attempt to climb higher.

As always, please note that this is a pre-release copy and all impressions and footage presented may not be indicative of the final release. Additional impressions are included after the video:

The take-home message so-far is that the games controls feel loose and they don't seem to provide the accuracy or reliability you need in your maneuverability. Dead enemies have often ended up killing me thanks to blocking available paths or by acting as a heavy weight preventing a jump from going as high as it's needed. Also, while the visual theme is neato, having enemies that blend so well in to the background means you need to either focus intensely for extended periods of time or live with the occasional hit that you never saw coming.

Volcano Escape is currently set for release on the 17th of February
