The Deep Review

By , on January 18, 2010

The Deep
Download on the AppStore
4 out of 5


  • Deep gameplay.
  • Catchy music.


  • Visuals can be too busy.
  • Control is a bit iffy.


For those that love exploring and searching for sunken treasure, The Deep should provide some adequete gameplay.

  • Full Review
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Getting away from the rat race and scuba diving off the coast of some tropical island. It would be an ideal vacation if the locals would stop asking you to risk your life fetching lost items in the murky blue.

The Deep is split into two games. On land, you talk to locals, acquire quests, and can use cash to upgrade your diving equipment. The main game is in the water however, where you control your diver with an analogue stick, finding treasure, items and upgrades, flipping switches, and avoiding sharks, crabs, squids, and even tiki idols!

The game utilizes some nice colourful and expressive 2D visuals, but the screen can get a bit busy sometimes when you're trying to navigate around, especially in some of the tougher levels. Sound effects are sparse but the music is the real treat, adding a lot of fun and atmosphere to your deep sea adventure.

On the surface, The Deep might seem like a simple fetch quest game, but it offers a lot more. With RPG like upgrades, tons of exploration, and even Metroid inspired backtracking, The Deep will likely keep you under for quite a while.


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