Linkin Park 8-Bit Rebellion! Review

By , on April 27, 2010

Linkin Park 8-Bit Rebellion!
Download on the AppStore
4 out of 5


  • Lots of content to unlock including an exclusive song.
  • Customizable characters.
  • Plenty of interactive social features.


  • Simplistic gameplay.
  • Low-res does not mean '8-bit'.


For the entry fee, fans of Linkin Park get an interactive experience with the chance to mingle with fans while unlocking an exclusive single to listen to though most gamers will have little reason to hang around once the story is over.

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

The lead-up to the release of Linkin Park's new beat'em-up inspired game '8-Bit Rebellion' was certainly an interesting one. Friends who professed their love for the band were immediately excited; friends who professed their hatred were immediately turned off; and there was me, stuck in the middle hoping that developer Artificial Life had created more than just an interactive, branded marketing tool.

8-Bit keeps things ratcheted back with basic movement and attacking controls using touches on either side of the screen to walk; double-taps to run; and touching the middle of the screen to attack. Objects on screen can be touched to interact with them, including global message boards that are available in each area and even other players to initiate the game's social features. There's little challenge in the combat even with the weakest of the game's weapons and areas to regenerate your health are generally easy enough to find.

To say that anything in the game is '8-bit' would be stretching the truth. Due to the story, only a handful of people have retained their '8-bit' appearance, looking like River City Ransom rejects without the clever minimalism that makes pixel-art timeless. The music is another '8-bit' faux-paux, with midi-based music taking the place of square or triangle sound-wave effects.

Ultimately '8-Bit Rebellion' is a game for fans of the band, but as a casual experience the level of social interaction and unlockable features keeps the game fun, if somewhat underwhelming.


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