Crazy Nose

- Publisher:
- Genre: Entertainment
- Released: 11 Dec, 2009
- Size: 8.0 MB
- Price: $1.99

- App Store Info
"It's the most disgusting app we've ever made."-
"I just love goofy little apps... Crazy Eye and Crazy Mouth kept my youngest son occupied just about forever."
- David Pogue, The New York Times
Transform yourself into a living cartoon character! 'Pick' one of the fully animated noses, hold your iPhone up to your face and get ready for some laughs. With 10 crazy animated ways to change your nose you'll be sure to have everyone in stitches. Why waste money on an expensive facelift when you can get your Crazy Nose on!
Crazy Nose from the creators of iPhone games Crazy Snowboard, Crazy Turkey Blast, Scarecrow, Galactic Gunner, and iPhone toys Crazy Mouth, Crazy Eye, Crazy Lighter, and Crazy Pumpkin - download them today!