Fantasy Date Free

- Publisher: PressOK Entertainment
- Genre: Entertainment
- Released: 31 May, 2010
- Size: 5.4 MB
- Price: FREE!

- App Store Info
"If you were a booger, I'd pick you first""Got a big trunk? Cuz I'm gonna put my bike in it"
"Excuse me can I check your shirt tag? Yup...I knew it, Made In Heaven"
"Is your name Gilette? Cuz girl, you're the BEST a man can get"
Don’t lie, you’ve either used one of these lines, or wanted to for the sheer humor of it. If you haven’t, stop reading right now, because Fantasy Date is NOT for you. That’s right, go check out Finger Physics (also by PressOK Entertainment), it might be more your speed.
Fantasy Date is also NOT for people who:
• Don’t like hot chicks
• Don’t like dating multiple, said hot chicks, at one time
• Get shot down by a chick and not move straight on to the next one
• Get up in the morning and don’t immediately think about….something
Fantasy Date IS for people who:
• Like hot chicks
• Want to date multiple hot chicks at one time
• Think that when they get shot down something’s wrong with the girl
• Think about chicks at least 98% of the time
• Laugh
So, beyond that, what's Fantasy Date all about?
It's an interactive streaming video game that lets you attempt to pick-up women and date them. These women are not animated, they're the real deal, they're hot, and best of all, they will actually talk to you, but only for so long. You've gotta come up with the right thing to say at the right time, or else she's gonzo.
You get 4 girls (aka levels) right away and 6 more available for download.
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