
- Publisher: Shifting Mind
- Genre: Education
- Released: 16 Jul, 2010
- Size: 281.0 KB
- Price: FREE!

- App Store Info
With Chaotica you can now create your very own fractals!Chaotica is designed to draw fractals using the Chaos Game method. First, you pick a set of vertices and a fraction. Chaotica will choose a point at random and then draw the next point at the fraction you chose of the distance between the first point it drew and a random from the set. Chaotica will then use the newly drawn point to repeat this process the specified amount of iterations. The result is sometimes a fractal.
Chaotica lets you intuitively play around with different setups to see how the chaos game plays out.
For more information on the Chaos Game and a detailed explanation on how it works visit my website.
What's New in Version 1.0.1
- Fixed a bug when adding vertices in iOS 3.1.- Fixed some typos in the help page.