Intertitles Animated Stickers

- Publisher: Coloring puzzle games sp. z o.o.
- Genre: Stickers
- Released: 6 Oct, 2016
- Size: 12.9 MB
- Price: $0.99

- App Store Info
Extraordinary animated stickers that look like intertitles from silent films of 1920s.For twenties lovers or for those who want to be original.
Included 30 stickers with phrases for any situations.
Except regular phrases there are slang phrases from 1920s that we should start to use again.
“Ish Kabibble!”- No worries!
“Bushwa!”- Bullshit!
“You’re the bee’s knees!”- You’re cool!
“Swanky!”- Fancy, posh, or trendy
“Ritzy!”- Elegant; posh
“Whoopee!”- To have a good time
“You're the cat's whiskers! ”- You're the best, wonderful
“It's the cat's pajamas! ”- Something splendid or stylish
“Everything is copacetic! ”- Going well, all right
“Let's get a wiggle! ”- Get a move on, get going
“Hotsy - Totsy”- Perfect
“Pipe down!”- Stop talking
“Ab-so-lute-ly!”- Affirmative