Home » Articles and Reviews by 'Dave Flodine'

Luxuria Superbia Review

Review Tale of Tales By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Luxuria Superbia Review

More and more, games designers are attmepting to include 'mature' content in their word. Usually, this translates into violence, swearing, and the inclusion of scantily-clad, impossibly proportioned women. However, that kind of mature content is often delivered in a fairly adolescent way. When playing Luxuria Superbia we felt that we were playing a truly adult game, one that might even make you feel a little uncomfortable. Luxuria Superbia is a game of touch and sensation. Patience p…

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Galaxy Run Review

Review Spiel Studios By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Galaxy Run Review

We should all know how the App Store works by now. A new game comes out, gains a lot of traction, and all of a sudden the store's virtual landscape is overrun with imitators. Considering how enjoyable last year's Run Roo Run was, it's surprising that the recently released Galaxy Run is one of only a few games we've seen approach its one-tap single screen platforming antics. It's up to the player to guide a stranded astronaut home via small doses of precision platforming. Each collecti…

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continue?9876543210 Review

Review starvingeyes By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
continue?9876543210 Review

Sometimes we wonder whether some games are named just to make videogame reviewers sound a bit silly. Continue?9876543210 is an iOS game about a videogame character who is living in digital purgatory, trying to cope the inevitability of his eventual deletion. Remember that cartoon series Reboot where the citizens of the computer town were sucked into videogames? And remember how if anyone was killed in a game, they disappeared to who knows where? Continue? might be the dark answer to t…

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Mini Golf Mundo caters to your 3D mini golf needs

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Mini Golf Mundo caters to your 3D mini golf needs

While 2D and 3D mini golf games are nothing new, there's just something about Mini Golf Mundo that caught my attention. Perhaps it's the texture of the holes, reminiscent of a certain Green Hill Zone, perhaps it's the use of bounce pads and teleporters, or perhaps it's the tranquil music alongside the abrupt interruption of the narrator each time you sink a hole. Check out the trailer and perhaps you'll understand what I mean... The game is available now in the App Store for $1.99 (AU). Play on the four courses alone, or with up to three friends. Since it's golf, it's only appropriate we have the links below. [App Store Link]…

Sirtet deconstructs Tetris

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Sirtet deconstructs Tetris

Or at least that's the plan. While this game may not be much to look at, the idea of reforming blocks of colour to create tetrominoes is enticing. The ability to place new lines anywhere you wish is interesting, and the ability to add more colours to complicate matters just seals the deal. Take a look at the trailer to see what I mean... There are fears that it looks a little too easy, but one imagines that's what the colours are for, and if it's anything like Tetris, it will get faster. The app is available today for $2.99 on the US store, and should make its way wordwide in the coming week.…

A videogame... in the fourth dimension! Dun dun dun!

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
A videogame... in the fourth dimension! Dun dun dun!

Tesseract: a fourth dimension game is a puzzle game where you need to lead a sphere through a constantly shifting hypercube. It sounds bizarre, and the video does little to really explain it to me (but mind you, I constantly failed physcis in high school). Perhaps you will fare better. I always assumed the fourth dimension was time. I guess it's shapes shifting dimensions (or whatever is going on here). To be honest, this looks like it will only appeal to a very specific type of puzzle fan, but to those players, I say that the game is available now for $1.99. [App Store Link]…

Burn the Rope 3D Review

Review Big Blue Bubble By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Burn the Rope 3D Review

It's time for the one sentence review: Burn the Rope 3D is Burn the Rope in the third dimension. You're all most likely familiar with the gameplay of either Burn the Rope. You are presented with an image composed of rope, often of varying colour. Touching any spot on the rope and it will start burning. The flame will only stay alight if it travelling either horizontally or vertically, with vertical lengths burning much faster. The goal is to burn as much of the rope as possible.…

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Letris 3: Word puzzle game Review

Review Ivanovich Games By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Letris 3: Word puzzle game Review

App Store success stories can often come from the place you least expect. The Letris series is one such success, and it's a game franchise we haven't really had our eye on. The premise is simple: it's Tetris with letters - essentially a more single-minded version of Puzzlejuice. You create words through tapping letters, and try not to let your stack reach the top of the screen. Letris 3 is the latest in a series so popular that's it's apparently spawned its own game show, so we though…

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One would hope 'The Franz Kafka Videogame' is kafkaesque

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
One would hope 'The Franz Kafka Videogame' is kafkaesque

Inspired by the works of German author Franz Kafka (who some regard as the premier writer of the 20th century), it's only natural that games have taken inspiration from his themes of persecution, absurdity, and the surreal nature of his writing. Going one step further, Denis Galanin has crafted The Franz Kafka Videogame, in which the protagonist K is given employment and sent on a journey to a world unline anything he expected. The trailer will set the tone of this adventure. Please watch. The game wishes to allow the player to experience the uncertainity and absurdity that K is feeling in the situations he finds himself in. If played off right, this could be quite the provactive exp…

Continue?9876543210 is a lot more than it seems

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Continue?9876543210 is a lot more than it seems

Yes, the name of the game is Continue?9876543210. You are a videogame character that has fallen in battle, and wanders the random access memory of the program, trying in vein to come to terms with the inevitability of its own deletion.  Created by Jason Oda, this is an art game meant to be open to interpretation. As you wander the shanty towns of this memory, you encounter other denizens and travellers, while avoiding the garbage collectors. The inspiration behind the game seems to come from a very personal place, and watching the trailer, you get a sense of curiosity and wonder (even if it is a little longer than most trailers). Have a look for yourselves. The changes in local…

Coaster Crazy Deluxe Review

Review Frontier Developments Ltd By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Coaster Crazy Deluxe Review

You'd expect the creators of Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 to be able to cook up a decent coaster-based game for the iPhone. Well, that's exactly what Frontier Developments accomplished last year with Coaster Crazy, a free-to-play rollercoaster creation game based around tailoring individual coasters to their patron's needs. Now a year later, the free-to-play aspects have been removed, new challenges have been added, and two whole new areas have been bolted on. As a result, we thought we'd t…

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Icycle: On Thin Ice Review

Review EA Chillingo By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Icycle: On Thin Ice Review

As iOS gamers, we've been exposed to some weird scenarios over the years. Narky birds with porky vendettas; hungry green monsters which subsist entirely on dangling sugar lozenges – to us, these things are just another day in the App Store. Icycle: On Thin Ice is game about a naked man named Dennis, who finds himself riding a tricycle through ever-shifting landscapes. Originally we thought the game might be showing us a dream or nightmare scenario. Then Dennis gets hit by a fish…

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Destructamundo's rhythmic explosions confuse us

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Destructamundo's rhythmic explosions confuse us

Destructamundo is a rhythmic puzzle game created by Robotube Games with assistance from Gaijin, the makers of the Bit.trip series. From what we understand, you have a specific amount of warheads you need to use to blow up all the planets on screen, and the whole thing is somehow tied to the music. See we're not too confident in how the game works, even after watching the trailer - only that it looks quite intriguing. Judge for yourselves. The game is slated to be out early next year for iOS and Ouya. As usual, we'll let you know when we're getting close to release. Destructamundo looks too compelling to pass up.…

Aaru's Awakening is fascinatingly gorgeous

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Aaru's Awakening is fascinatingly gorgeous

This upcoming platformer has a very distinctive visual style. The creature you're playing also has the ability to blink between small distances, and it looks like the gameplay is based around mastery of this mechanic. Aaru's Awakening is being made for PC and Mac release at the moment, but they have plans to work on iOS and Android ports. The game won't be out on iOS anytime soon as they are prioritizing the computer release, but in the meantime, have a watch of the trailer. We'll let you know more next year when Aaru's Awakening gets closer to launch.…

Bacon the Game certainly not one for vegetarians

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Bacon the Game certainly not one for vegetarians

Most people love bacon. It's one of the many delicious meats given to us by pigs, and now it is the centre of a line drawing game for iOS. Draw a path through all the bacon so that your little avatar can eat all the bacon. A simple goal, and one that's easy to relate to. As you might imagine, the paths drawn become more complex as the game goes on. The trailer will tell you more! This greasy title is set to release on the App Store December 5th. Pretty fitting if you ask us... ham is a common Christmas meat, so why not play a game based around bacon in the same month?…