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Anomaly Warzone Earth
(It has come to out attention that 'few days' should read 'few months', 9th of April, 2011 to be precise. We apologize for the error, however its turnaround for the iOS version is still impressive!) In what I hope is a continuing trend for the iOS platform, Anomaly Warzone Earth by Bit Studios come…
- EA Chillingo
- Version 1.3.2
- Strategy Games

Loot & Legends iPad Review
Do you love cardboard? Do you love polyhedral dice? Did you have a copy of Talisman that went mouldy? If the answer to some of those questions was yes, then you're going to love Loot & Legends. And Harry from Pocket Gamer is going to tell you why.…
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Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion iPad Review
Do you like your tactics stompy, your action turn-based, and your suits of armour powered by, er, power? Then Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion could be right up your dank corridor. Harry from Pocket Gamer gives it a once over in our video review, and he likes what he sees.…
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Ember Conflict - Real-Time Multiplayer Strategy Game! iPad Review
Can you fit a real-time strategy game onto a tablet? What about a real-time strategy game that's squished up with a MOBA? And what if it's free to play? Harry from Pocket Gamer answers all of these questions, and more, in this video review of Ember Conflict.…
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Hitman: Sniper iPad Review
Hitman: GO managed to distill the sneaky essence of the Hitman series into an easy to grasp mobile format. Can Hitman: Sniper do that same? Er, nearly. Or at least that's what Harry from Pocket Gamer thinks anyway.…
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Bad Dinos iPad Review
Ratchet and Clank developer Insomniac turns to dinosaur defence, for its latest mobile game. Will this prehistoric strategy game help revitalise a tired old genre?…
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Heroes and Castles 2 iPad Review
Mark tries to juggle strategy with slaughter in muddled hybrid Heroes and Castles 2, and ends up being murdered by a skeleton. Sigh - Fridays, eh?!…
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Spacecom iPad Review
It's a game about flat geometric shapes fighting for dominance over other flat geometric shapes. But does this space strategy game, published by 11it Studios, have more... *puts on sunglasses*... depth? Mark finds out.…
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Sid Meier's Starships iPad Review
Taking place in the Civilization: Beyond Earth universe, Sid Meier's Starships is the latest effort from Firaxis. Does it live up to the hype? Peter Willington finds out.…
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OTTTD iPad Review
OTTTD (or 'Over The Top Tower Defence') does a pretty good job of living up to its title. Every stage, you are swarmed by bizarre cartoon aliens, and must erect towers to fight them back. Each vanquished foe leaves behind a bloodied corpse, meaning that, within minutes, your base in drenched in an ocean of gore. While the action is frantic, the classic tower defence gameplay is easily mastered thanks to its straightforward controls. Tapping on any construction point brings up a radial…
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Agricola iPad Review
Some board games have an extraordinary number of pieces, making the simple act of setting up a monumental task in itself. Now aficionados will tell you that's part of the allure, but especially with a game like Agricola, the benefit of being able to starta game in a couple of taps cannot be understated. Agricola is a turn based strategy game based around medeavil farming. Now stop right there. Before you cease reading or close the video window, hear us out. While the game may seem ove…
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Sid Meier's Ace Patrol iPad Review
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol is the latest experiment from the acclaimed creator of the Civilization franchise. It's a game that echoes of the combat changes made to the series in Civilization V. Thrown into World War I, you take to the skies as a flying ace. It's up to you to master your aircraft: changing altitude, rolling, banking, and blasting your enemies until they burst into flames. However, these dogfights play out not in real time, but as a turn based experience on a hexagonal grid.…
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XCOM®: Enemy Unknown iPad Review
The iOS version of XCOM: Enemy Unknown represents something of a gamble. Developer 2K China has spent time and money of porting last year’s console and PC strategy favourite to iPad and iPhone. This is no companion app – XCOM iOS is the real deal. Apart from some derezzed visuals and a slightly smaller map count, what you’re looking at is the complete XCOM experience in portable, touchscreen form. If you were abducted by aliens and missed the hype surrounding the gam…
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Kingdom Rush Frontiers HD iPad Review
Sequels can be tricky. You have to give the fans more of what they loved the first time out, while adding enough new elements to warrant a second visit. It's doubly difficult when you're following an acclaimed title like tower defence titan Kingdom Rush. Luckily for us, developer Ironhide has kept its cool and delivered another top tier instalment to artillery-oriented action. The team hasn't deviated far from the original template, but considering the quality of the original, that's n…
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Frozen Synapse iPad Review
What is a gamer ideally looking for when they're in the market for a strategy game? Are they looking for a lengthy campaign complete with engaging narrative? Are they looking for a robust multiplayer experience with plenty of depth and complexity, or are they just looking for something that's, quote, a little different? Well you're in luck 'fictional gamer created for the sake of this review', because Frozen Synapse has got all those bases covered. Well perhaps not the engaging narrati…
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Leviathan: Warships iPad Review
Did anyone ever play any of the Combat Mission games? This question is being asked because if you have, you will immediately understand how the gameplay of Leviathan Warships by Paradox Interactive functions. While most strategy titles are put into sub-genres by whether their battles play out in real time or turn by turn, Leviathan Warships combines these by separating the turn based and real time play styles into a planning and execution phase. Unlike Combat Mission, the gameplay here…
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