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Top 6 Rhythm Action Games on iPhone and iPad

Toplist By Peter Willington, 11 years, 2 months ago
Top 6 Rhythm Action Games on iPhone and iPad

For a quick fire burst of snackable gaming, you can't beat a bit of bemani, or 'rhythm action' as it's become known. Popularised by Guitar Hero and the like, the music genre quickly became a staple of iOS gaming, with wannabe rock stars and bedroom DJs testing their skills on their touchscreen devices. With so many games to choose from, we thought it high-time we whittled the list down to the crucial six you absolutely must play. Oh, and don't think that we'll be covering any of that new age music stuff like Beat Hazard Ultra and Beat Sneak Bandit. That stuff has it's place and all, but this list is purely for the old-skool beat keepers.…

Top 3 iOS Games for March 2013

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 10 months ago
Top 3 iOS Games for March 2013

The year is finally on a roll and March saw a solid block of releases that finally made me have to pick and choose carefully. As always the judgment call on these is personal, so let us know what had you excited in the month of March. This is AppSpy's Top 3 iOS Games for March, 2013. Unmechanical (Teotl Studios) $2.99 Univ. While some have complained about the controls, I only found they added an endearing quality to the nameless robot your control. He's just a little bit clumsy thanks to his haphazard construction - that's my story and I'm sticking to it. That said, for a game with such a limited control scheme it manages to throw a whole lot of interesting puzzles at the player, makin…

QI's Top 10 iPhone Games for March, 2013

Toplist By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 10 months ago
QI's Top 10 iPhone Games for March, 2013

It's that time of the month again. Yes, it's time for the Quality Index's picks of March's most popular critical games (according to their aggregate sources), but more than that, when the QI list rolls around, you know Appspy's Top 3 isn't too far away at all! I'd say look for that early next week. If i'm wrong, blame Andrew! 1. Ridiculous Fishing - A Tale of Redemption2. Brickout Zero Gravity3. Word Soup4. Cling!5. Super Stickman Golf 26. Nimble Quest7. King Cashing 28. Totems9. The Silent Age10. Block Fortress I'm trying something new this month that might help you out if you look at that list and want to see why these titles made their t…

Top 3 iOS Games for February 2013

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 11 months ago
Top 3 iOS Games for February 2013

You know, it's odd that I haven't had more requests for February's Top 3 list, but then again the competition was a bit crippled. Still, there were enough to choose from to make the final list a hard pick, so lets jump in to the Top 3 iOS Games for February, 2013.   Finding Teddy (LookAtMyGame) $1.99 Univ. This month has had a bit of a theme, but considering my long standing love of Adventure games, I have to say I'm glad to see so many great releases like Finding Teddy making their way on to the App Store. Taking on shades of classics like Loom, the player must find and utilize music in order to appease the wild creatures of the strange new world she's in. It's a heart-warming tale,…

Top 3 iOS Games for January 2013

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years ago
Top 3 iOS Games for January 2013

I hate playing the catch-up game, but with this extended dry spell of a release period, I guess there's no harm in clearing our backlogs. In the least it's made for a far more comprehensive list to choose from for January, so lets find out who topped the charts in AppSpy.com's Top 3 iOS Games for January, 2013. Table Top Racing (Playrise Edge) $2.99 Univ. Look, I may be the only one who played Table Top Racing and put it down without losing an iota of excitement from the hype, but even without my personal bias the game is a solid entry in to the 'Kart' genre. The key to its success is its simplicity; there's no bloat to weigh it down, so you can jump in, enjoy a race or two, and jump out…

Honorable Mentions and People's Choice - 2012

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 1 month ago
Honorable Mentions and People's Choice - 2012

We at AppSpy are always ready to admit that our particular tastes when it comes to games may not match the broader spectrum of gamers out there - for one there's a very broad demographic of people to cater for ranging from the young to the old, different cultures, and personal likes and dislikes. The following is a quick list of the runners-up - games that only barely missed the Top 10 and worth picking up. Tentacles: Enter The Dolphin JAZZ: Trump's Journey Ski Safari Shark Dash Nihilumbra Squids Wild West Knights of Pen & Paper Super Hexagon Puzzlejuice Reckless Racing 2 Lastly, there were a lot of submissions, some more verbose than others, but the following are the ou…

AppSpy's Top 10 iOS Games of 2012 - Part 2

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 1 month ago
AppSpy's Top 10 iOS Games of 2012 - Part 2

2012 was the first full year of reviewing Apps that I experienced since working at AppSpy, and as a year of gaming in general it was quite impressive. We had a number of developers successfully port their games over by adapting their control schemes (like The World Ends With You: Solo Remix and Bastion), and on the complete other side of the spectrum we had engaging quick to play Indie titles like Super Hexagon, and Catch-22. The game to copy and clone this last year was definitely Temple Run with a glut of 3D imitators. Meanwhile the 2D endless runner genre continued on strong with many titles trying to be the next Jetpack Joyride. We saw sequels and follow-ups from studios that released t…

AppSpy's Top 10 iOS Games of 2012 - Part 1

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 1 month ago
AppSpy's Top 10 iOS Games of 2012 - Part 1

As you may have already noticed, we're doing things a little differently this year. Seeing as Dave is contributing just as much to the year's reviews, we've decided to split the Top 10 in to two personal Top 5's. I know, it's unorthodox, but as always there's no order and we'll have plenty of runners up in a follow-up video to sate your thirst. For now lets check out AppSpy Andrew's 'Top 5 iOS Games for 2012'. Punch Quest by Rocketcat Games and Madgarden There are times when a developer creates a game that's almost too good. It sounds crazy, but imagine a title so addictive; so engaging thanks to its almost manic sense of variety, that you have no need to delve in to the paid-for option…

Top 3 iOS Games for December 2012

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 1 month ago
Top 3 iOS Games for December 2012

The Top 3 Games for December always feels like a bit of a tease when everyone knows the Top 10 for 2012 is just around the corner, but we've got to fulfill our obligations and chief amongst these is letting people know what's worth grabbing right now. So lets cut to the chase and showcase AppSpy.com's Top 3 iOS Games for December, 2012. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour (Gameloft) $6.99 Univ. After having about a month's worth of distance to consider Gameloft's latest entry in its modern-day shooter series, Zero Hour remains a solid shooter worth picking up, even if it doesn't match the highs of previous releases. Gameloft have deployed this title with the practiced skill that comes from having…

Top 3 iOS Games for November 2012

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 2 months ago
Top 3 iOS Games for November 2012

 With Christmas just around the corner we're here to help by providing you with our top picks of the last month. We couldn't cover everything we would have liked, so if there's anything you believe deserves a spot on the list, let us know down in the comments! This is AppSpy.com's Top 3 iOS Games for November, 2012.   Editor's Pick - Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders (Atypical Games) $4.99 Universal Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders kicks off this month's list with a bang. Previous entries in the series have progressively come closer to perfecting a nuanced blend of Arcade and Sim style controls. The latest not only learns from these previous efforts, but packages it together with scads of…

Top 3 iOS Games for October 2012

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 3 months ago
Top 3 iOS Games for October 2012

For many, October means little more than 'the month before the AAA titles release'. While this is certainly true for most other platforms, the App Store is still churning out title after title, with many proving to be extremely entertaining (if not downright insanely addictive). So lets check out the month that was with AppSpy's Top 3 iOS Games for October, 2012. Girls Like Robots (Adult Swim Popcannibal) $2.99 Univ.I've learned many things from Girls Like Robots by Popcannibal and Adult Swim; for instance girls apparently love robots, while robots don't mind girls, but hate being trapped by them... OK maybe that's the only thing that really stands out, but darn it there's so much…

Top 3 iOS Games for September 2012

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 4 months ago
Top 3 iOS Games for September 2012

The energy in the air is almost palpable as we head in to the late-Autumn, early-Summer release line up and gamers everywhere on just about every platform are enjoying hot new titles. The App Store is no different, with September managing to blitz its way through some huge releases, so lets check them out in AppSpy's Top 3 iOS Games for September, 2012. FIFA SOCCER 13 by EA SPORTS (Electronic Arts) $6.99 Univ.There's only so much you can do with long-established franchises that have yearly updates - of course they can package in a lot of small details, but as long as you can update the roster, there's no compulsion to buy a new sports game every year. FIFA SOCCER 13 could have eas…

Top 3 iOS Games for August 2012

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Top 3 iOS Games for August 2012

Bastion (Warner Bros. Supergiant Games) $4.99 iPad OnlyIt's almost unfair that the iPad gets all the fun when it comes to Supergiant Games and Warner Bros. release of Bastion for the iOS platform, especially when it manages to feel so 'at home' thanks to its unique control method. Despite the lack of challenge in beating down enemy after enemy in this brawler, you'll keep coming back for more to learn the tale of 'the kid' and the world he inhabits. A real gem for iPad owners to enjoy. The World Ends With You: Solo Remix (SQUARE ENIX) $17.99/$19.99Balk at the price if you will, but aside from finding a copy on the Nintendo DS (which is - arguably - the 'better' release) for signif…

Top 3 iOS Games for July 2012

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Top 3 iOS Games for July 2012

Up, down, up, down - this time of year is certainly proving to be a confusing one as we find the occasional bright, shining gem, only to be left dealing with a swathe of average titles that fail to live up to expectations. I'm still holding out hope for August's titles, but for those of you who can't wait lets go over the highlights as we cover the Top 3 iOS games for July, 2012. Editor's Choice: Tentacle Wars (FDG Mobile) $0.99First off the block is a game that takes a formula we've seen played around with in the past, but for the first time in quite a while someone has managed to add a unique twist that adds a surprising amount of depth. Tentacle Wars not only places you in cont…

Top 3 iOS Games for June 2012

Toplist By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 7 months ago
Top 3 iOS Games for June 2012

The months keep on rolling by and we're already at the half-way point of the year. Let us know in the comments how the year has been treating you - Have you found some lasting gems? Is it all a bit hit and miss? Are we perhaps in the void just before the iPhone 5 gets released? Have your say!For those after some worthy picks, this is none other than the Top 3 iPhone Games for June, 2012. Squids Wild West (The Game Bakers) $0.99 Univ.I feel like I've sort of worn out Squids Wild West's welcome by talking about it so much, so I'll keep this short. When Squids first released on the App Store, we saw a game with a lot of potential - it managed to make turn-based strategy feel fresh an…