HAEGIN wages the war on scurvy with the Fruit Festival coming to Play Together

By , on August 23, 2024
Last modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago

It seems like every other week, HAEGIN is adding another event to their social network game Play Together. I am not saying they are running low on ideas or anything, but players will be able to take part in the Fruit Festival, complete with a fun new minigame.

When you land on Kaia Island your first port of call should be Appley, an NPC who sped to the island as soon as they heard about the Fruit Festival. They will be issuing everyone with various festival-related missions which will shower you in event currency, and we all like to collect shiny things.

After collecting enough of these coins you will be able to play a few games of Bingo, one of the most fruit-related minigames. If you manage to call Bingo you will be rewarded with a selection of excellent prizes, such as an apple-themed costume, in-game currency, and if you are really lucky, Gems.

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Over at the Fruit Workshop, you will run into the new NPC, Avon, themed after that most adorable of fruit; the avocado. If you don’t feel like gambling away your hard-won coins then you can instead trade them here to craft Fruit Pets. There are ten to collect, including Cheeky Melon, and Dewy Avocado.

Now for the easiest part of events, the attendance rewards. The grand prize up for grabs this time is the Plump Peach Hairpin which you will find on the seventh day. There has also been a new type of attendance event being introduced that you can find in the Shop, featuring the limited edition Bubbly Soda Costume.

Play Together is available to download from the App Store and Google Play. It’s a good time to take a look, as HAEGIN has added some quality-of-life improvements, including UI enhancements, and an indicator that tells you if a vehicle can fly or not.