It's over 100 as Runescape breaks the level cap with three skills

By , on December 10, 2024
Last modified 2 months ago

Are you actually certifiably insane and believe that reaching level 99 in all of Runescapes’ 29 skills was not a big enough challenge? 2,871 levels not enough for you? Then it’s your lucky day you little overachiever you, as three of the game's skills can now breach that triple-digit barrier.

Those of the ranger persuasion are going to be well looked after, as Woodcutting and Fletching level caps have now increased to 110. This brings out a slew of new content to get to grips with, such as exotic materials, powerful Masterwork weapons, fun new tools, and of course, skilling opportunities.

Start your long pilgrimage to Eagle’s Peak and head due north, until you stumble upon a clearing. Here, you will find the Eternal Magic trees, I can only assume with elves and rabbits dancing around them. This is the new skilling method for Woodcutting and introduces mechanics like Perfect Cuts, which guarantees a log and a lot of XP.

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Whilst you attack these helpless trees you will also start to collect Enchanted Bird’s Nests which can contain special loot. Use new cutting-edge consumables to reach level 110 to unlock the opportunity to harvest perfect Eternal Magic branches. These are used to craft the Masterwork Bow, bringing us nicely onto the second skill.

Hitting 110 on Fletching will mean your ranged abilities will never be so potent. Head to the workbench and craft such storied weapons as Eternal Magic shortbows, Primal arrows, Primal Crossbows and Primal bolts using Eternal Magic logs. You can also submit these to supply the armies of Gielinor with your perfect weaponry.

Finally, let's not forget all those pyromaniacs out there; Firemaking is also hitting that magical 110. Mostly this lets you burn Eternal Magic logs, just so you can show that new tree whose boss. Beyond this, we have a few QoL improvements, including new smithable hatchets, removable toolbelt hatchets, and some balancing tweaks to Woodcutting skilling.

Runescape is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.