Cassette Beasts launches on mobile and is truly a must-have

By , on January 15, 2025
Last modified 1 month ago

My entire decision to purchase an Xbox Series X was based on wanting to play Starfiel; a decision I do not regret, it is a great game. I subscribed to Game Pass, poked around a bit, and proceeded to spend a week playing one single game. Not Starfield no, but Cassette Beasts. 

Luckily, you no longer need to carry an Xbox and a TV around to play this phenomenal game, as Cassette Beasts is now available on mobile. Both Android and Apple wielders will be able to dive into New Wirral and explore one of the best Pokeclones there has been. Definitely better than the latest Pokemon outings at the least.

If you never had the joy, Cassette Beasts is a monster-taming RPG where you wonder the world catching folk in cassette tapes and transforming into them. One of the main selling points of turn-based combat is the fact you always have two players; your main character and a companion. 

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This allows you the wonderful ability to combine in battle, fusing both monsters into one mega beast with both monsters' moves and passives that wrecks house. Combining also smashes both creatures' names together. I managed to create a hybrid called RobinHood that regened energy almost endlessly to spam the huge ultimate attack you can do. Great times.

The characters are also charming, and you can increase your bond with them to enjoy some delightful side stories. One is also a dog, so, what more do you need? What, you need excellent music you say? Well, Cassette Beasts has that too! Joel Baylis crafted one of the best scores I have heard, and Shelby Harvey has a truly enchanting voice.

The game was also updated last year with cross-platform multiplayer so you can cut around with your friends. This has been a lot less impartial than most news articles, but Cassette Beasts is an astonishing game, and I urge you to download it from the App Store and Google Play.