Rust Mobile reveals an Alpha Test for February with incredibly restrictive requirements

By , on January 28, 2025
Last modified 1 week, 3 days ago

Good news for those who want to practise living in a world where everything wants you dead and you have to scavenge for every little thing; Rust is coming to mobile. If you would like to help shape development then you could try to get involved in the 7-Day Alpha Test hosted this February. Try being the operative word.

The rules for this Alpha are about as harsh as the gameplay can be. To start with, it is only available on Android, and you need at least a Snapdragon 8 gen 1 Processor, 6GB of RAM and 4GB of storage. And then, if that wasn’t exclusive enough, it is only open in Canada. Pretty small sample size. 

Moving on from the big ones, there are also a few more. To start your data will be wiped out after the test is done, so say goodbye to your base. There will be no monetisation in the test, which is good if you will get wiped. Finally, if you are selected you will have to sign a NDA. The conspiracy side of my brain is saying the devs already have no faith in the project.

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So, if you manage to clear all of those hurdles and get involved, what can you expect? Well, my experience with Rust is a little bleak. You hunt around for weapons, resources, food, and management to construct a nice base with a lock. Then, someone with a chainsaw breaks down the door, shoots you in the head, and burns everything down. The port is authorised by original developers Facepunch, whose name sums up the experience of the game.

For a more objective view, Rust is a sandbox survival where you have to face off against NPC enemies and other players to find resources, equipment, and just survive. Don’t forget to manage your hunger, thirst, and sleep too. It is a survival game basically, and even though we haven’t had a lot of info on how Rust Mobile will go, the official FacePunch site does confirm the team is keeping that spirit in Rust Mobile.

If you want to get involved in the Alpha Test, move to Canada, buy an Android, and then visit the official Discord.