Huge Disco Zoo update lets you catch animals in space

By , on June 30, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 7 months ago

Disco Zoo’s latest update has brought a host of new features to NimbleBit’s casual puzzler.

The biggest change comes in the form of two new environments, city and space, which add twelve new animal types for you to hunt down for your exhibits. The city setting works much like previous ones, letting you trade coins to engage in the game’s Battleship-like expeditions to capture animals.

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Space, however, can only be explored by spending a new in-game currency: the imaginatively titled Space Coins. These can only be earned by capturing specific animals to order from other habitats, or through in-app purchases.

The update also adds ways to jazz up your enclosures using either coins or Disco Bucks. These allow you to purchase balls for animals to play with, and hats for individual creatures.

Don’t get too excited though, because with 60 different animal pens, each with 25 creatures, it could be a while until you fully pimp-out your zoo with dimond balls and crowns.

Disco Zoo and its latest update are available for free from the App Store.

[App Store link]