Home » Meridian Digital Entertainment Limited

Alive4ever mini: Zombie Party Review
The first few levels of Alive4Ever Mini take place on a beach. We try not to be topical in our reviews here at AppSpy as topical never ages well, and our videos will always be with you long after current events are forgotten. Nevertheless, given the recent attack in Florida, reviewing this zombie game at this point in time is rather fortuitous. Luckily in this more stylized, cartoony edition of the Alive4Ever franchise, we are not dealing with creepy cannibals, just a good smattering o…
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Adventure Isle Review
After wading through endless murky corridors, dank ichor-strewn buildings and dark forests while eliminating zombie hordes in the Alive 4-ever series by Meridian I was caught off-guard by their latest release, Treasure Jones. As a treasure-hunter with your faithful side-kick dog you'll need to venture through 35 stages to earn cash and collect hidden artifacts from around the world and this is no easy task when you seem to attract the ire of just about every animal you come across. Ea…
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Armageddon Review
In Armageddon from Meridian you'll need to keep your wits about you in order to out muscle and out play your enemies. Why will you need your wits secure? Well like many titles in the army-spawning style of 'strategy' games you'll need to replay levels over and over again in order to mass enough cash to successfully complete future levels and maybe it's just me, but I'm more interested in the campaign, not repeating levels. Much like other similar titles, you have a slowly rising reser…
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Alive 4-ever RETURNS Review
Meridian's first entry in the Alive 4-ever series was hard to fault, with a style that transformed the incredible popularity of Left 4 Dead for the PC in to something exciting and playable for iPhone owners. With such a great first title in the series, the sequel 'RETURNS' certainly had huge shoes to fill, but it not only filled those shoes, it completely pimped them out. The same tight dual-stick controls are used in the sequel, making movement and aiming easy and accurate from the g…
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Are You Alright? Review
Much like the Tower Defence genre, Time Management games have made a name for themselves on the iPhone. Whether players are directing airplanes or customers in a restaurant, the genre has really embraced the new platform and found an audience. Are You Alright? is one of the latest releases in the genre and puts players in control of busy hospitals around the world. Players will need to drag patients into various machines as quick as possible to ensure that they leave healthy and with…
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Against the Fire! Review
Against the fire is a twin-sticks shooter where you play as a fireman and must help rescue people trapped in a burning building. You must use your hose to extinguish incoming flames and guide the survivor to the safety zone. Your goal is to complete each level as fast as possible for a greater highscore. You control the fire fighter by using two joysticks at the bottom of the screen: one for movement and one for your hose. As you progress through the level you must use both sticks to…
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Alive 4-ever Review
You'd be forgiven if you read the title Alive 4-Ever (A4E), saw the App icon and thought, "Did someone port Left 4 Dead (L4D) to the iPhone?". It's hard to fault Meridian for jumping on to a hot game design concept like L4D and while there are many comparisons to be made, A4E is just about as perfect as it gets for action fans on the iPhone. The dual analogue controls are extremely responsive, which will save your behind as zombies quickly crowd around you. Other interactive elements…
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