Home » The Game Bakers

Combo Crew Review
Long time fans of Appspy will have heard a particular criticism time and time again: the unwelcome shoehorning of traditional control schemes onto touchscreen interfaces. Though the implementation of these controls have improved, developers that actually design around the strengths of the iPhone and iPad are far and few between. However, for Combo Crew, The Game Bakers have decided to create a classic beat em up while trying their best to craft an original control scheme that plays to…
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Squids Wild West Review
The Game Bakers are crafty developers - while you could consider Squids Wild West a sequel of sorts, it acts more like an expansion to the first title, albeit jam-packed with content, new characters, mechanics and... well OK, it's a sequel, just without the usual tacked-on number. Carrying on from the end of Squids, Steev, Vahime, Sammo and the rest of the crew end up at Seawood and are trying to find more heroes in the quest to stop the black-ooze slowly infesting and changing the cr…
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Squids Review
One of the PR quotes on the app store page likens Squids by The Game Bakers to a melding of Angry Birds and Final Fantasy Tactics. It's right in the sense that you're using your finger to fling cute animals at their enemies under the guise of a tactical RPG system, but for those looking for the depth of a Final Fantasy Tactics, you're probably going to be disappointed. That's not to sell the game short however, as its novel approach and the way it eases into game concepts will please b…
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