Mummy Panic Review

By , on July 19, 2010

Mummy Panic
Download on the AppStore
4 out of 5


  • Lots of mad-cap levels to play through (currently 60).
  • Challenging puzzle gameplay.
  • Fun sprite designs and lots of dialogue to chuckle to.


  • Relatively silent game with no iPod support.
  • Dreary palette despite the upbeat gameplay and tone.


Mummy Panic is a great revival of the Chu-Chu Rocket style of fast-paced puzzle gameplay and provides puzzle fans with tonnes of content to master (and even more planned for the future!).

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

Chu-Chu Rocket lives again as Christopher Sisk and his latest release Mummy Panic revive this crazy puzzle gameplay for the App Store. Your job is to rescue the hapless mummies as they amble around the screen, guiding them towards the safety of a conveniently placed crate.

The mummies and their nemesis the 'Explorers' will automatically move their way around the levels, turning to the right each time they hit a hard surface. Pitfalls, traps, switches and other objects will need to be used in conjunction with arrows placed down by the player in order to survive. You're given a limited supply of arrows to direct your undead minions towards safety, but with a bit of experimentation and lateral thinking you'll have them tucked away safely in no time.

The character artwork in Mummy Panic is fantastic and it's no small wonder considering how much time has gone in to each sprite. A lot of detail has also gone in to the flourishes for the environments, but the dreary palette quickly becomes a bore to look at and can even prove frustrating when trying to visualize routes only to overlook a switch or a tiny wall. After clearing many of the puzzles players may also wish to turn off the sound-effects to escape the ear-piercing wail of joy each mummy yells out when they're rescued.

Despite its shortcomings, Mummy Panic is still an immensely clever puzzle title that is truly challenging to beat. More levels are also planned, making this great value for money for hardcore puzzle fans out to test their skills.


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