NBA 2K12 for iPhone Review

- Accessible one-touch controls or solid, traditional virtual pad setup.
- Easy to modify rosters; keep teams up to date.
- 'Jordan Challenge' to really step up your game.
- Rough presentation; stadiums feel like an empty void.
- Camera positioning not always optimal; can be tweaked, but far from perfect.
NBA 2K12 steps up and represents for Basketball on the App Store with its smooth and accessible gameplay; to mangle a quote, it's not the game iOS gamers deserved, but it's definitely something they needed.
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Barring the relatively recent addition of NBA JAM to iOS' roster of games, Basketball has been somewhat poorly represented on the App Store. Given that its only real competition is purely arcade-fodder, NBA 2K12 for iPhone by Take-Two and 2K Games doesn't need to do much to stand out and impress, but it has none-the-less managed to be more than a cash-in on this void.
As to be expected players can jump in and control any one of the 30 NBA teams on offer with their current roster and stats intact. Better still you can jump in to the skin of Michael Jordan in 'Jordan Challenge' mode to relive some of his career highlights (challenging you, in turn, to step up your game).
You have a choice of two control schemes to play with - either the more traditional virtual pad and three-button setup with actions changing whether you're on offense or defense, or a one-touch system designed for easy access. This mode essentially auto-pilots the gameplay, allowing you to pass/steal by tapping the respective player or making swiping gestures to jump or block as required.
There's not a lot on offer in the way of game modes with the usual mix of Quick Play, Season and Playoff modes common to annual sports titles.
Visually the game is a mixed-bag ranging from the utterly superb and smooth player animations, to downright shoddy as the cardboard audiences suck the life out of an otherwise aurally pumping stadium.
NBA 2K12 could have simply phoned-in its title and still managed to pull in a crowd, but thankfully it feels far more competent than this. With any luck other contenders will aim a little higher, but if you're a fan of Basketball this game will more than fill the void on your iDevice of choice.