Super Blast 2 Review

- Slick 3D rendered sprite designs and visuals.
- Pick-up and play style.
- Casual arcade based endless gameplay.
- Lacks full save-state support; exited games are restarted.
- Short on gameplay variety.
Super Blast 2 is a great looking and easy to pick up casual shooter for those who hate the challenge of regular shmups, but don't be fooled in to thinking each game will be a short one.
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It hasn't been terribly long since the release of Phantoom Entertainment's 'endless' arcade shmup title 'Super Blast' was released in the App Store, but the sequel has already dropped and Super Blast 2 packs a bunch of new features that out muscle its predecessor.
Much like the original title the game is an endless adaption of a shoot'em-up where players face an immediate game over if a single enemy gets past them. However this isn't as hard as it sounds as you're outfitted with some powerful weaponry to quickly dispatch the enemies as they appear. A near constant stream of power-ups also bolsters your destructive powers and if you're up against the wall you can tap the screen to unleash a bomb to clear your path. Firing is handled automatically and players need only to tilt in a vertical orientation to move around the screen, however options aren't available to adjust the sensitivity, so you'll need to get used to the settings you're given.
The most outstanding feature of Super Blast 2 is its incredibly detailed sprites that are rendered down from 3D models. Despite having designs that are essentially metallic balls, a lot of character has gone in to each design. With that said, there's not a lot of life in the sprites and more often than not you'll destroy them before you get much of a chance to check them out.
Having your game end over something as simple as missing an enemy can be brutal and unless you're patient and extremely cautious, getting to the game's later levels isn't always an easy task. Boss characters also add to this problem and you may find yourself repeating the same level all too often as a result of it. Super Blast 2 is a charming shooter, but without a lot of spare time and no interruptions it's a hard game to stick with.