Home » Apps with tag 'challenge'

Test your trap-dodging reflexes in hectic arcade runner Glitch Dash, out for iOS and Android

News By Christian Valentin, 6 years, 12 months ago
Test your trap-dodging reflexes in hectic arcade runner Glitch Dash, out for iOS and Android

High scores and dangerous gauntlets await in Glitch Dash, the latest entry to The well-trodden genre of extra-challenging arcade games. From Temple Run to the frenetic Super Hexagon, it’s a genre quite at home on mobile and Glitch Dash brings a striking aesthetic and twisting stages to the table. Each stage in Glitch Dash forms before your sprinting perspective, revealing lanes of barriers, spikes, lasers, and other traps to evade. Quick reactions will see you deftly side-stepping, leaping over, or sliding under walls, while massive hammers rhythmically smash down upon your path and swinging blades force you to time your lane switching. To add to the hectic nature of your run, speci…

Hearthstone single player update Curse of Naxxramas coming to iPad next week

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Hearthstone single player update Curse of Naxxramas coming to iPad next week

Hearthstone’s highly anticipated single player campaign add-on Curse of Naxxramas: A Hearthstone Adventure has a release date: July 22nd. The new campaign has you journey through five unique wings of the ancient necropolis Naxxramas to defeat the archlich Kel’Thuzad. Each area is ruled by a terrifying boss that must be defeated to progress. Whether you are battling the massive spider Maexxna or the overgrown fungus Loatheb, every monster has its own cards and powers to challenge your skills. Each wing is planned to open a week at a time. The first Arachnid quarter will be downloadable for free next week, with later installments available in-app with real world cash…

Sky Tourist Blitz Trip Review

Review Zoltan Lading By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Sky Tourist Blitz Trip Review

Sky Tourist Blitz Trip is an odd little puzzle game that suspends its hero right in the middle of the action. Hung like a tacky air freshener, the dangling protagonist must be coaxed upwards though a series of physics based conundrums, collecting blocks and crystals on his way. You control the tourist's ascent through the vertically-scrolling levels by swinging him back and forth on a line between two rockets. Raising one missile higher than the other slides the little chap towards th…

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Trials Frontier receives a new island in its latest update

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Trials Frontier receives a new island in its latest update

Redlynx’s free-to-play iPhone interpretation of its Trials franchise, Trials Frontier, has just been given a huge update that adds an extra track-filled island to the game. This new landmass is named Reaper’s Finger and is not for the faint of heart. Designed for fans of the game who have been demanding more challenge, the six tracks contained on it are intended to test all of your skills. Another huge addition to the game is control customisation. The already responsive interface now allows you to reposition its four control buttons anywhere around the screen. This should let experts carve an extra few seconds off their time or - if you’re anything like us - help you g…

OTTTD just got even more OTT with new endless mode and enemies

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
OTTTD just got even more OTT with new endless mode and enemies

The wonderfully fast-paced mix of RTS and tower defence that is OTTTD just got even more bombastic with a brand new update. OTTTD was never short on challenge, but this update bolsters the toughness with a new endless mode. Containing five missions, this mode has you holding back unending swarms of walking eyeballs and floating sharks in an attempt to make your mark on the leaderboards. If five endless missions weren’t enough, the campaign has also had an overhaul. Another five missions have been added here also, along with 20 new enemy types to test your mettle. To help you in your ongoing war, Herocorp has sent in additional supplies. A tactical field guide offers you a com…

Godfire™ Review

Review Vivid Games S.A. By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Godfire™ Review

From its mythical Greek storyline to its combat, everything about Godfire mimics God of War. But while it may be shameless in its imitation, that doesn’t stop its being fun. You play as Prometheus, the Titan who gave fire to man. The opening scene depicts just this, though in an oddly dramatic style, with you smashing the flame from Zeus armour while battling on top of a flying chariot. The craft then crashes down into the underworld and Zeus sets out to reclaim the fire, leavin…

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Review Korigame Ltd By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago

Dungeony is an odd interpretation of a roguelike. Taking control of a hero you plunge down through randomly generated levels to battle untold terrors in your quest to level up. Where it differs from others examples of the genre, however, is that none of your adversaries attack or even move. As the initiator of every encounter, Dungeony takes on a puzzle like quality. With limited health you have to carefully select your fights and route through the world. Unfortunately, without monste…

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Fluid SE Review

Review Radiangames By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Fluid SE Review

Fluid SE has you constantly on the brink of anger. It sets you the simple goal of collecting a handful of glowing orbs from around its stylish dark arenas but adds time pressures to create a tantalising challenge. A responsive virtual stick ensures there are no surprises to Fluid's controls while you guide your creature around the levels. Where the complexity lies, however, is in the exactness of these controls, with the tiniest movement of your finger changing your avatar’s cou…

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Space exploration roguelike Star Command gets a stellar price cut

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Space exploration roguelike Star Command gets a stellar price cut

Sci-fi roguelike Star Command has just been given a price cut of galactic proportions on the App Store. Warballoon makes no secret of its Star Trek inspiration for this explorative space adventure. You take command of a starship filled with red, blue, and yellow shirt wearing crew, which you must then guide through the cosmos in search of new life and civilisations.   Never certain whether the next species you encounter will be friend or foe you must always be at the ready. Upgrading your ship and its crew will ensure you are prepared for everything the universe could throw at you. This only works if you fortify the right part of your ship, however, as powerful cannons…

99 Bricks Wizard Academy Review

Review WeirdBeard By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
99 Bricks Wizard Academy Review

99 Bricks Wizard Academy doesn't waste a moment introducing you to its magical, Tetris-inspired world. The charming puzzler has you fill the pointy shoes of a trainee wizard, and sets you the task of building yourself a tower to call home. To erect this structure, you must direct Tetris-style blocks into place upon a narrow foundation. You drag each shape toward its intended destination with your finger, while a single tap of the screen allows you to rotate them as they fall…

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Sky Force 2014 Review

Review Infinite Dreams Inc. By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Sky Force 2014 Review

The original Sky Force came out on mobile devices in 2004. It was a great looking mobile game for its day, and fantastic shooter to boot. Now, a decade later, Sky Force 2014 is looking to do the same again with the benefit of modern tech. Sky Force 2014 retains the tight shmup combat and  vertically scrolling levels of the original. As before, you must attack approaching targets, while trying to avoid the halestorm of bullets the game throws at you. A responsive one-to-one contr…

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Apparently, Biosis is a suffix that means “mode of life." Fittingly, it's a great way to describe the main theme of this squishy, creature-manipulating 2D physics puzzler. You must guide a tiny organism through a hostile world towards a goal. Your little blob is a bit useless, however, so you must rely on other creatures in the world to push and pull it towards its destination. Every one of the lifeforms you use to guide your organism to the exit has two states. Tapping on a cr…

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King's match-three puzzle sequel Bubble Witch Saga 2 has just bounced onto iPhone and iPad

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
King's match-three puzzle sequel Bubble Witch Saga 2 has just bounced onto iPhone and iPad

Bubble Witch Saga 2, the latest free-to-play match three puzzler from Candy Crush Saga creators King, has just appeared on the App Store. This latest installment in the Bubble Witch series has you reprising the role of Stella the witch in her battle against dark spirits. To fend off these evils she must take down groups of coloured bubbles by firing her own orbs towards them. When her shots meet with two or more bubbles of the same colour they disappear, with any bubbles attached beneath crashing down as a result. The game features 50 levels, with more promised every two weeks. Returning fans of the franchise may also notice new game modes to test your bubble bouncing skills. If th…

Free vertical shooter Final Flight of the Perseus gets new Expert Mode

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Free vertical shooter Final Flight of the Perseus gets new Expert Mode

Final Flight of the Perseus is a vertical shmup developed by Third Party Ninjas. Despite already being free, the team has clearly decided that it wasn't offering enough value, and has just added a new Expert Mode. The wave-based shump offers short bursts of icreasingly challenging sci-fi combat. Every enemy killed earns you in-game cash, which you can then spend on upgrades to power up your cannons, or to replenish your shields. As any good star pilot will tell you, dropping to zero shields in Final Flight of the Perseus is dangerous. This is where the new Expert Mode comes in, encouraging you to flight in this prone state to earn double cash rewards. Resist the urge to power up yo…