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12 amazing iPhone and iPad games to play with your family this Christmas
It's Christmas soon, and that often means having all the family round to exchange presents, munch down some mince pies, and maybe quoff a cheeky glass of tipple or three. You may think that this could pose a problem: surely having the relations round will seriously eat into your gaming time? Not necessarily. If you're smart you can sneakily fool your immediate and extended family into burning away the hours playing awesome iOS and Android video games. Here's a big list of some of our favourites. 1. Soccer Physics - Two player fun times for you and a footie-mad relative 2. Skylanders Trap Team - If you're after a meaty adventure to share, you can't go wrong with this 3. World of Tank…
Bah! Humbug! 10 top games for Christmas grumps
I love Christmas I do, but I can totally see why it's not for everyone. Pretending to be nice to people you don't know (extended family, for example), eating food you don't like (Christmas Pudding is disgusting), and spending money on presents people don't need (does anyone actually like getting "smellies"?) - it's all a bit much. So just for this article, let's embrace the humbug, and talk about the very best games to stick two fingers up at Christmas 2014. 1. Robots Love Ice Cream - Because yes, robots love ice cream, but do they have the capacity to love Christmas too? Probably not. 2. Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff - Because it's easy to stay out of the Christmas spirit by playing…
12 games to help you ignore your family this holiday season, number 8 may not actually work though
If you're the type of person who likes to squirrel themselves away while the family's over, burying into a bunch of video games to pass the time until the house is empty once more, then I've got a crucial list for you today. Below are the finest examples of mobile games that will keep you entertained while Great Aunt Susie has parked herself in the living room and is refusing to let you use the TV on account of it being “anti-social” or some other reason boring old guffs dream up to stop you doing exactly what you want around Christmas time. 1. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - AppSpy's been playing this for months, and we're still nowhere near the end, so it'll definitely keep yo…

SnowJinks Review
on iPhone, there's a new gameSchoolyard bullies, man they're so lamePelt them with snowTill you're ready to goFighting in a winter wonderland Hey, it's the holiday season, we can be festive and creative when approaching our game reviews, especially when a game likes Snowjinks brings back childhood memories of sledding and snowball fights, long before the move to the southern hemisphere. Yes, ducking and weaving the icy onslaught of snowballs in suburbia is heaps of fun, and this is in…
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