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The 5 best JRPGs that you can download for mobile

Feature By Himanshu Cheeta, 6 years, 6 months ago
The 5 best JRPGs that you can download for mobile

Updated 1st November 2021. Original post by Harry Slater, updated by Himanshu Cheeta Japan has made a very significant and notable impact on the RPG genre all around the globe. It is easier to look at how Japanese culture influences most RPGs' characters and gameplay now that anime and manga series are so popular and sought after by people. Your favourite game might very well be an RPG from the beginning; odds are it is also a Japanese RPG (JRPG). What does JRPG mean? Even though both Japanese JRPGs and Western WRPGs were very much influenced by pen-and-paper RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons, the cultural differences between the developers resulted in vastly distinct games and gameplay e…

The best Square Enix JRPGs on the iOS App Store

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 6 months ago
The best Square Enix JRPGs on the iOS App Store

We'll be the first to admit that Square Enix's JRPGs are a little on the pricey side when compared to other iOS games, but we'll also tell you that the entry price is tiny when you consider their quality and value for money. Still, we know that splashing out on a game you might not like is a daunting prospect, so we've gone ahead and made a video showing off the very best of Squeenix's JRPGs that have so far appeared on Apple hardware. If you're not up for the whole hour-long stream, you can click the name of the title you'd like to see more of below, and you'll be whizzed straight to the part of the video that we start playing. 1. Chrono Trigger2. Secret of Mana3. Dragon Quest VIII4. F…