Home » Apps with tag 'Minecraft: Pocket Edition'

6 more real versions of mobile games, featuring Scribblenauts, Peggle, Minecraft, and more

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years ago
6 more real versions of mobile games, featuring Scribblenauts, Peggle, Minecraft, and more

After the last time we looked at a bunch of mobile games that had been given a real world twist, I realised that there were a whole heap more we'd managed to miss. Seriously, there were some incredible videos that didn't make our list last time round. So to rectify that, let's dive straight into part 2. Angry Birds Go! - Go karting has changed since I was a kid. Peggle - Absolute bliss, and Bjorn is looking just fantastic. Minecraft: Pocket Edition - Because of course someone did a Minecraft one. Plants vs Zombies - I don't remember the game being this... epic. Scribblenauts - Excellent work (as always) from Smosh. Flappy Bird - How to make a super simple game way more comp…

The top 5 best seeds for Minecraft - Pocket Edition's latest update

Feature By Glen Fox, 10 years, 2 months ago
The top 5 best seeds for Minecraft - Pocket Edition's latest update

Minecraft - Pocket Edition was crowned the top selling iPhone and iPad game in this year's iTunes Best of 2014 chart, So, it stands to reason that most of you iOS users will have played the blocky sensation at some point. It is regularly top of the best-selling game section on Google Play as well, so Androiders should also be well-versed in its ways by now. Anyway, onto these seeds. For those who don't know, they're essentially codes that you input into the level generator to enter a pre-built world. All of the old seeds are now unplayable thanks to the latest update, so we've gone ahead and picked five of the best ones we've found so far. 1. super pig You arrive in front of a…

AppSpy's top 5 favourite games from iTunes Best of 2014

Feature By Glen Fox, 10 years, 2 months ago
AppSpy's top 5 favourite games from iTunes Best of 2014

December is becoming a pretty eventful month. You've got Christmas, New Year, and now the regular release of iTunes Best of 2014 list. This year's winners in particular were relatively predictable, with only the most impressive and popular releases taking home the plaudits. Rather than having you sit and stare at boring words all day, we figured it would be best to compile a list of fun videos and trailers of the best-selling apps and games on this year's list. Enjoy, AppSpies! 1. Top selling iPhone and iPad game: Minecraft: Pocket Edition Possibly the least surprising winner on the list, Minecraft: Pocket Edition has sold much better than hot cakes since its launch back i…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 11 - Creeper City

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 11 - Creeper City

You want one full hour of Minecraft: PE? Cool! Then I'm here to give that to you. I decided to stream my latest adventure in AppSpy world live on Twitch, and it went swimmingly. Well, it did to begin with. After a while I got completely lost, realised I was alone, got a bit scared, and then decided I needed to make another shelter to keep me safe during the night. But just as I began to let my guard down, it all went wrong. I did make the biggest diving board ever though, so that's something I suppose. Also: creepers! Missed an episode? Catch up here.…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 10 - Off Adventuring

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 10 - Off Adventuring

Perhaps it's a foolish desire, but for a few episodes now I've wanted to explore the wilder areas of the land I'm inhabiting. I want to feel the wind through my hair, see the horizon stretch out before me, plot a point and just head for it and see what happens. Armed to the teeth, I set out in this episode to do exactly that. How does it turn out? How do you think? Also: darkness! If you somehow missed a previous episode you can catch up via our Playlist on YouTube.…

7 mouth-watering Minecraft treats that you can make at home, plus videos of how to make them

Toplist By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
7 mouth-watering Minecraft treats that you can make at home, plus videos of how to make them

If you're into your baking (or in the very least know someone who is), and you're not a stranger to a little mining and crafting in Mojang's mobile creative classic - Minecraft: Pocket Edition - then you're going to want to take a look at this big collection of culinary delights, which have been captured in video form. There are all sorts of cakes and sweets in the 7 videos listed below, all from really cool YouTuber types, including: MyCupcakeAddiction, yoyomax12, Happy Cake By Renee, iHasCupquake, and Rosanna Pansino. Square checkerboard cake Scrumptious Minecraft cupcakes A ridiculously lavish Minecraft cake The actual cake from Minecraft An explosive looking TnT block cake…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 9 - Streaming Ahead

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 9 - Streaming Ahead

Significant progress is made in this episode of Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, our Let's Play / Let's Survive of Mojang's mobile masterpiece. There's mining, there's chest creating, there's monument building, there's the beginnings of an adventure, and there's another incident with a Creeper. So click play on the video and get stuck in with this jumbo-sized entry in the series. Also: vertigo! You forgot to watch a previous episode? Not to worry, you can catch up using our Playlist here.…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 8 - Shear Delight

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 3 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 8 - Shear Delight

After a one week hiatus, our Let's Play of Minecraft: PE is back for another round, and this time I've brought some Shears with me. Sheep get shorn, ducks lay eggs, and Creepers attempt to gang up on me - it's a very nature-filled episode come to think of it. But there's also a lot more work that's put into our second mine, all sorts of wood gets chucked, and a new escape hatch is built for emergencies. Also: flooding! Missed out on previous episodes? Catch up via our Playlist on YouTube.…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 7 - Rearing Sheep

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 4 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 7 - Rearing Sheep

The plan for this episode of our Let's Play of Minecraft: Pocket Edition was to keep digging and digging and digging into the ground until I found something amazing... or in the very least a different type of building material to the ones I've already found. That didn't quite go to plan, but I did make a very deep, very long hole in the ground, with some very nice stairs leading all the way down. On top of that I decided to see what else I could create with the materials I'd already gathered. I make all sorts of awesome tools in this episode, and also a complete failure of a sheep pen. Also: hot duck action. Missed out on previous episodes? Catch up via our Playlist on YouTube.…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 6 - Bone Talk

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 4 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 6 - Bone Talk

This week I decided to take our Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition series to the Twitch stream. There were a couple of reasons for doing so. First, it meant that I could play the game for ages and make some real progress. Second, the community was on hand to answer any questions I might have, in the live chat window. Third, I just kinda fancied playing a bit of Minecraft, as I'm really getting into it at the moment. Also: Enderman.…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 5 - Bone Talk

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 5 - Bone Talk

Though it seems like there isn't a lot going on in this episode, there actually totally is. First, I realise that I'm in dire need of a bone, and begin trying out ways of finding one. Second, I begin clearing the shade away from my little home as a safety precaution against bad dudes. Third, I dig further into the mine and have a minor spelunking accident. Also: major cuteness!…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 4 - Shining Light

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition,  Episode 4 - Shining Light

In the latest episode of my journeys through the lands of Minecraft: PE, I begin fortifying my home from attacks by exploding cactus things, simply by using torches. There's also a moment when I try to tickle a wolf with a feather in order to make it like me, and I begin journeying even further into the newly-discovered underground cave. Plus: physics?…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 3 - Getting Murdered

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 3 - Getting Murdered

Despite the rather grim title, I did enjoy most of my time with Minecraft: PE this week. I made lots of progress with my little mine, created new types of tools from even better materials, built a furnace, and even found a hidden underground cave. But there was also murder by some stupid jerk that creeped up on me. See the highs and the lows, in the video below. Missed an episode? Not to worry: see the entire series here.…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 2 - Making Fire

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 2 - Making Fire

As a complete newbie to Minecraft: PE, I've found that even basic human needs are often a struggle to fulfill. Last week I needed to quickly create shelter, this week I'm in need of light to make the nights pass quicker. But just how do you go about making a light to mine by? And also: what happened to Bertie? Did he survive the cold hard night? Find out in the video below.…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 1 - Meeting Bertie

Feature By Peter Willington, 10 years, 5 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 1 - Meeting Bertie

We always knew we wanted to do something video-related about Minecraft: Pocket Edition here on AppSpy, but in all honesty, neither James or myself are particularly great at the blocky world builder. And that's what's lead to us starting this Let's Play series. I'm going to try and learn everything I possibly can about surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, and you're going to learn with me. I'll be playing the game every week and trying to survive in the harsh but beautiful world that is Minecraft, capturing it all for posterity. If you're a Minecraft: PE veteran, then I want to read your tips. If you're a newbie, you'll be able to play along with me. So without further ado, let's kick…