Circle of 5ths Virtuoso III HD

Circle of 5ths Virtuoso III HD
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Circle of 5ths is essential for all kinds of music. It is absolutely important for musicians to have a basic understanding of how the perfect 5th and intervals work in music.

This edition deals with twelve sharps and flats.
The number 12 is a special number in music, possibly the perfect number. In enharmonic keys, twelve numbers make the circle in the abstract that generates an interesting number sequence of 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12 in symmetrical shape.

This is useful for understanding the circle of fifths and other related issues. Thus, fully comprehending these enharmonic key signatures is important.

The series of Circle of 5ths has been improved over the last two years and now the 3rd edition is out. Thanks to all users around the world for your support.

What’s new on the 3rd Edition of the Circle of 5ths HD?
This 3rd edition includes all features from 1st and 2nd editions PLUS;

New additions:
- Solfége: both fixed Do & movable Do – useful for sight singing
- Inversions of the triads: 1st & 2nd inversions
- Color choice for the circle: six different colors to choose from
- Key regions: understand the relationship of the keys, useful for a key change & chord progressions
- Hide/Unhide Notes in the triad and interval parts
- Key Signature Quiz

- Graphics & design
- Performance & stability
- Scales & Triads
- Contents navigation
- Landscape mode
- Enharmonic Key Signatures

Features (Table of Contents)

1. Circle of 5ths in Flat, Major, minor, blank, minor and sharp
2. Circle of all 2nds, 3rds, 4ths, 6ths, 7ths, also changeable color of the circle.
3. Key signatures & regions – Treble, alto and bass clefs.
4. Key matrices – order of sharps & flats and reverse
5. Intervals - up to perfect 15th with harmonic and melodic sound
6. Drag & Drop – practice key signatures and chord progression
7. Triads – complete triads in root, 1st and 2nd inversions with sound
8. Scales – major, natural minor, harmonic minor and melodic minor
9. Solfége in both fixed and movable Do. Sound in slow and fast tempo
10. Formulas – Scale, chord and mode with sound
11. The overtone series with sound
12. Key Signature Quiz
13. Twelve Astrological/Zodiac signs (new update)

What's New in Version 12.1

· Many improvements and bug fixes including iOS 11 support.


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