Terminologie Medizin

Terminologie Medizin
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Medizin Terminologie Latein/Deutsch, alphabetisch geordnet:
* Abdomen - alatus
* Albumen - Apophysis
* Arbor - axialis
* Axis - Caput
* Carcinoma - cervicalis
* Cervix - Cornu
* corpulentus - deferens
* deltoideus - Dosis
* Ductus - Fibula
* Fissura - gravis
* griseus - interosseus
* Iris - major
* Mala - Mesocolon
* Metacarpus - olfactorius
* opponens - Pertussis
* Pes - ramosus
* Ramus - sinister
* Sinus - Thorax
* Tibia - uterinus
* Uterus - Vomer


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