Home » Articles and Reviews by 'Dave Flodine'

Trouserheart allows you to fight with your pants off

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Trouserheart allows you to fight with your pants off

Well that's certainly a new experience in a hack and slash game. Developer 10tons have released a teaser trailer, and the game is set to drop sometime in September. It's looks vibrant and full of collectables, even if the trailer is, should we say... brief.…

Bloodstrike - John Woo iOS action

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Bloodstrike - John Woo iOS action

Another preview video to come out of Gamescom, courtesy of Appgefahren, is of a new John Woo come headed to the iOS platform sometime this year. It's an on-rails shooter developed by Moon Shark and published by Chillingo. The monochromatic art style punctuated by bursts of the colour red is quite striking, but I have to admit that the action looks kind of generic. Without a release date though, the final product could be a lot more exciting than what we see here. They're certainly headed in an interesting direction. We'll let you know when more news drops.…

The Question

Feature By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
The Question

Hello there loyal Appspy readers! It’s another Monday and it’s time for another question. We’re going to go for a broad topic again this week. Last week I asked about pricing to gauge the general consensus of value our audience has in regards to iOS games. This week we’re going to discuss those games that at least initially offer no monetary barrier. Yes, the question this week is: What is your opinion on free to play gaming? This covers the gamut. You can talk about games that use free to play as a demo (having the full game be unlocked for a fee), you can talk about free games that are supported by advertising, or you can talk about the freemium model of game des…

Oceanhorn is looking pretty amazing

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Oceanhorn is looking pretty amazing

One of the reveals at Gamescom was the debut trailer for upcoming iOS game Oceanhorn. It looks to be heavily inspired by the Zelda series, and its charming visuals and music by famed composers Nobuo Uematsu and Kenji Ito certainly help to raise excitement. Have a look at the trailer... Especially that last section is highly reminiscent of Zelda gameplay. The production is certainly up there, so as long as the controls are decent and it's got some great dungeon design, it's easy to see it being one of the heavy hitters in this coming final quarter. We'll let you know if anything new develops.…

The Answer

Feature By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
The Answer

Hey there loyal Appspy readers! The Answer is a little late this week, but you all know that I wouldn’t leave you hanging... so here we are. Once again our community gave me a lot to think about in terms of what constitutes value for an iOS game, and why. We had readers who won’t move passed the $0.99 mark because of the screen size and nature of most iOS games, and on the other end we had those willing to pay $20 if they got a deep, satisfying console-esque experience for the price. Most hovered in-between, preferring to pay as little as possible but willing to go higher if the experience was worthy of it in their eyes. Like our readers, I prefer the $0.99 price point, but I t…

Shadow Vamp's future looks bright

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Shadow Vamp's future looks bright

It's fantastic when the concept of a game alone is enough to get you excited. Within a few seconds of watching the trailer below for Shadow Vamp, and understanding how the world is rotated to provide cover for your UV challenged protagonist. Playing with light and shadow in this way alongside such a clever narrative context hopefully provides plenty of joy when the game is eventually released. Have a watch for yourselves. The game is apparently coming very soon so we'll be sure to keep an eye out for you.…

Anima - a unique multiplayer experience

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Anima - a unique multiplayer experience

Anima is due out on the App Store later this month, and aside from the interesting polygonal isometric style, the gameplay is worth mention. This little action game is actually a multiplayer experience in which two halves of the same person are competing to see who can collect the most energy in two minutes. With powerups and enemies in your path, it looks to provide quite the enjoyable experience. Have a watch of some of the beta footage. The game will cost $2.99.…

Boson X makes my head hurt

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Boson X makes my head hurt

We have a trailer of an upcoming endless runner titled Boson X here to show you. A free to play version will be avilable on PC, Mac, and Linux with an iOS paid version to follow soon after. Watch the trailer for yourselves and understand the headline of this news piece... I dunno if i'm looking forward to playing this or not, but it's certainly worth a look whenever it's released.…

Lone Wolf Gamescomm teaser trailer

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Lone Wolf Gamescomm teaser trailer

Those of you who enjoy gamebooks should be anticipating the release of Joe Dever's Lone Wolf. The first part of four will be due out in November, and just in time for Gamescomm there's a teaser trailer. ' It looks like aside from your normal gamebook choices, there are puzzles to solve, and the combat looks a little Infinity Blade-ish. We'll keep an eye on this as any news develops. And this should be the first in quite a few unvelings at Gamescomm this week.…

The Question

Feature By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
The Question

Hello there loyal Appspy readers! It’s another Monday and it’s time for another question. This one has been brewing in my head for a while... When it comes to pricing, the App Store is certainly its own beast. Pricing and value are completely independent of any other gaming platform, with the normal price point of a game to be expected to be only a couple of dollars. With the glut of free to play and $0.99 games, there are those who won’t even pay that, and while it sounds ridiculous, you can somewhat see their justification for such a stance. Then you have companies like Square Enix, and Gameloft (before it moved into the free to play sphere). They have constantly been p…

2K Drive announced

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
2K Drive announced

Move over Real Racing, a new contender approaches! Created by Lucid Games which is comprised of former members of Bizarre Creations (known for Project Gotham Racing), 2K Drive will be a premium sim racing title that looks to be released sometime before the end of the year. Have a look at the trailer below... With over 25 licensed cars, real world locations, and multiplayer, this looks to be a racing game to be reckoned with. We'll know more as we get closer to launch.…

Warhammer 40k: Space Wolf Announced

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Warhammer 40k: Space Wolf Announced

Due to the success of Warhammer Quest, Games Workshop have sought out another studio (this time Herocraft) to create a game based on the popular 40k franchise. Space Wolf takes tactical strategy and combines it with a collectable card game as you upgrade your team, and build your decks over a campaign with branching story paths. The game is slated for release sometime next year. It'll be interesting to see how the collectible card aspect influences the 3d tactical gameplay and vice versa. We'll let you know information as it's released.…

The Answer

Feature By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
The Answer

Hey there loyal Appspy readers! Another week, another round of great comments from our community. I realise that the question was a little tricky, but you all rose to the challenge. Let’s see what you had to say. Infinity Blade was brought up for its uniquely touch screen only controls while masquerading in the production value of a console or handheld title. Bastion was mentioned for taking a game from another system and adapting it superbly for iOS. Star Wars: Falcon Gunner shows off the immersive possibilities of an augmented reality game, and the use of tilting for racing games such as Real Racing 2 show off how fine tuned the accelerometer can be. When pondering the question, a…

Good news everyone! Baldur's Gate is back

News By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Good news everyone! Baldur's Gate is back

Back in June, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition was removed from the App Store. The reason was contractual issues with the game's publisher, Atari. They've obviously reached a solution because the game is once again available for purchase. Not only that, but Beamdog have continued work on a massive patch for the game as well as the enhanced edition of Baldur's Gate 2. Check out our review. If you enjoy classic PC RPGs on the comfort of your iPad, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition will certainly scratch that itch. [App Store Link]…

Miseria Review

Review RatJar Games By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 9 months ago
Miseria Review

Would you believe us if we told you that Miseria, a creepy, black and white anrachnid-infested puzzler, is a love story? You see, not only is the hideous spider beast that inhabits the lower screen threatening your small furry life, but it's also made off with your missus. To get her back, you must tap the sides of the screen to rotate the world, and use gravity to reach the swirling spiral of freedom. Along the way you must avoid toppling out of the maze and into the maw of the scree…

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