The AppSpy retrospective - The 3 best games of September 2016

By , on December 22, 2016

Oh we're getting pretty close to the end now. Summer is about to turn into Autumn, the leaves are beginning to turn brown, and the puddles are getting that little bit deeper. Well, they were in September, and that's what this list is about.

After the bumper month in August, September didn't disappoint either. Again, there were some games that could have made it onto this list. Most notably the really rather special Sorcery 4. So it's getting an honourable mention. Right there.

Without further ado though, let's get on to the games that actually did make it onto the list. Because quite frankly they're all really, really good.

The Banner Saga 2

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A brilliant sequel to a brilliant game. Just as dark and gloomy as the first, and peppered with the sorts of choices that no one ever wants to make in real life.

With gorgeous cartoon graphics and a sense of dread permeating every battle, this is an RPG with teeth. And claws. And swords. Basically it wants to hurt you.

But you're going to love every second you spend in its lovely but terrible world. It's got a heart as cold as ice, and that's why we love it.

Samorost 3

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It might be the third in the series, but there's something about Samorost that always feels fresh. It's a beautiful point and click adventure that's unlike anything else you've ever played.

And I mean that in the best possible way. It has an internal logic all of its own that you need to get to grips with, and it looks utterly stunning.

It gives you a huge chunk of the galaxy to explore, plenty of puzzles to solve, and a number of mysteries to figure out. And you'll want to experience every nook and cranny that it offers up for you.

Vulture Island

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A wonderful, sometimes cruel platforming adventure that throws you into a non-linear set of levels and tasks you with figuring out what you need to do.

You unlock new skills and gadgets as you play, and you'll need to bounce between the levels to complete them all and move on.

It's smart, it's delightfully retro, and while it can be frustrating at times, when you figure out what you need to do you'll have a big grin on your face.