The Tuesday Best of - SNK Playmore games for iPhone and iPad

By , on August 22, 2017

Well, it's Tuesday now. Doesn't time fly. I'll let you in on a little secret though – it's actually still Monday for me, but thanks to the wonders of scheduling, I'm talking to you from the past. I guess, in a way, I'm always talking to you from the past. There's something for you to have a ponder about.

Whichever way you look at it, Tuesday is always the day when we do our best-of. It's called the Tuesday best-of, after all, it'd be crazy to do it on another day. Just proper bonkers. So I'm doing it today. Or yesterday. Wow this is confusing.

This week we're going to look at the best SNK Playmore games on the App Store. There's three bonafide classics here, and while they might not be perfect for mobile play, they're all still worth checking out. Click on the emboldened names and you'll be able to grab them from the App Store. Which is nice.

Blazing Star

If you're only going to get one of these games, you should definitely make it this one. It's a wonderfully well put together arcade shooter that sees you doing all of the things that make arcade shooter fans smile. It's tight, it's perfectly retro, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a better old-school shooter on the App Store.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

Metal Slug 2

I love Metal Slug. You love Metal Slug. Everyone who matters loves Metal Slug. And while this mobile crack at the Metal Slug cherry might not be the perfect port, it's still really, really good. Nostalgic in all the right ways, and still slicker than most platforming shooters, Metal Slug 2 will still charm you even on the smaller screen.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here

King of Fighters 98

If I was Peter Willington, I'd know exactly what version of the classic fighting series this was. And I'd regale you with a long and convoluted story that you'd get bored of halfway through. Luckily though, I'm not Peter Willington, so I'll just tell you that this is a wonderful kicky puncher that doesn't have any right to be as entertaining as it is.

Read the Pocket Gamer review here