London commuters battle monsters in Clash Of Kings stunt

By , on May 23, 2016
Last modified 7 years, 11 months ago

Last week on the banks of the Thames, 120 knights and a couple of lava monsters reenacted a skirmish from Elex game Clash Of Kings. Here's the official video from the event.

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Confused Londoners stopped in their tracks as the vast army gathered at St Katherine’s Dock to march across Tower Bridge and to Potter’s Field where they battled on the bank of the River Thames. Look for the hastags #LondonsBattle and #FightLikeAKing on Twitter to see more photos from us and the public. Moments after the battlefield was cleared, lucky passers by were treated to free ale and a hog roast. There are some pictures from the event at Pocket Gamer's Facebook page.

Since launch, Clash Of Kings players have spent the equivalent of 20,400 years playing the game and over 946 billion troops have fought, more than the total number of stars and planets in the Milky Way. It's available to download for both iOS and Android devices now.