Flurry - iPhone Pushes Out PSP For Software Sales

By , on March 22, 2010

After just a year and a half on the market, mobile phone analytics company Flurry has estimated that the Apple iPhone (and iPod touch) has captured almost 5% of the market's video game sales for 2009. This poses a big threat for other portable gaming devices thanks to the overwhelming number of cheap apps that are potentially driving people from the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS to Apple's touch devices.

US Video Game Software by Revenue - via blog.flurry.com

Based off their own analysis and numbers from NPD (via Gamasutra), Flurry have estimated that the iPhone and iPod Touch controls 5% of the $9.9 billion US video game software sales for 2009. Even more staggeringly, after comparing sales for portable game devices only the iPhone made up 19% of sales for 2009 compared to the PSP and DS's 11% and 70% share, respectively.

US Portable Software by Revenue - via blog.flurry.com

With the iPad almost out it's likely more developers from the traditional game industry will push new titles on to the platform, giving it even more of a leading edge against competitors in the year to come.

Images and News via Flurry Blog