Game Preview: WordSearch Rush

By , on March 15, 2010

Word search games aren't exactly the most popular games available on the App Store. They tend to be more for a niche crowd of puzzle lovers with super-human eyesight. I mean honestly... those grids can be HUGE. And on such a tiny screen? Not a great combo.

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WordSearch Rush by UK developers We Are Colin aims to not only make word search games playable, but genuinely fun. Their twist on the gameplay involves time-based combo bonuses for quickly finding words in a 7x7 (or occasionally 8x8) grid and extra points for selecting the words backwards. Unlike some word search games a list of words isn't provided for you, but instead each level gives a topic from which 7 words are randomly selected. This gives each level, even at the lowest difficulties, tonnes of replay value.

It's odd to actually be enjoying a puzzle that's often used in grade-schools to boost your vocabulary, but it's also great to realise that your vocabulary needs that little bit of flexing (at least as a writer I appreciate the challenge!). For those learning foreign languages WordSearch Rush will also feature non-english sets of topics and words as a fun tool to improve your vocab.

WordSearch Rush

A store will be available to purchase new topics and word sets, but pricing hasn't yet been announced. OpenFient is also supported for high-scores and achievements.

WordSearch Rush is an interesting title that may not appeal to those after more action in their gameplay, but fans of word-related games like Boggle or Bookworm might just have a great game to look forward to.