This game gives 'button masher' a whole new meaning

By , on June 8, 2012

Button mashers often have a bad reputation in games due to controller wear and the feeling that it's a cheap gimmick used to prolong gameplay because the developer couldn't think of anything more clever. It's rare though that not only would a game make button mashing look interesting, but that it would base its core mechanic around it.

The Wunderlich brothers and their company RAWR! Interactive are releasing Count to a Billion, where you have ninety seconds to tap furiously on multiple multiplier pads in order to reach that elusive number. This trailer will explain it better than i could...

The game is due for release in July, and should be a unique experience if nothing else. In the meantime, why not head over to the game's site, and start clicking away on the giant button.

[Count to a Billion website]