The Last Express arriving on the App Store on the 27th

By , on September 25, 2012

If you're a fan of point and click adventures, then Thursday is a day to mark in your diary, because it sees the release of The Last Express, a forgotten classic of the genre created by Prince of Persia's Jordan Mechner.

Set on the Orient Express in 1914, the game is a mix of mystery, suspense, action, and romance, all presented in a unique and gorgeous cartoon style.

Heavily praised on its original release, the game didn't quite grab the mainstream's attention, but many die hard point and clickers consider it the finest example of the genre ever created.

This iOS version is a faithful port by the team at DotEmu, whose previous smartphone and tablet credits include R-Type and Another World.

There's no word on how much the game is going to cost, but we've embedded the trailer below so you can get a taste of the swashbuckling, swooning adventure that's heading your way on Thursday.