Final Fantasy Artniks Dive is an upcomming free-to-play game from Square Enix and GREE

By , on June 30, 2014
Last modified 9 years, 11 months ago

Final Fantasy and free-to-play has had a rocky history together. Hell, Final Fantasy and mobiles haven't always been the best of friends either.

For every super classy remake of Final Fantasy IV, there's a visual misstep in Final Fantasy VI.
For every mega impressive Final Fantasy Agito, there's a diabolical Final Fantasy: All The Bravest.

So when we saw that Square Enix had partnered with GREE to create its next mobile Final Fantasy, and that it would be free-to-play, you can imagine that we were cautious about getting too excited.

There's very little information out in the wild about the game right now. We know it's coming to iOS and Android, and that you probably won't need a beast of a device to run it.

Its visual style looks reminiscent of 16-bit era Final Fantasy, only a little less pixely, and a little more anime.

We also know that it'll feature a large map to explore, over 100 monsters to summon, and a class system to tailor your party. It's also very definitely be described as a "social game", so don't expect a traditional Final Fantasy experience, a la the home versions.

There's no word yet on whether this'll come to these shores, but those with a Japanese iTunes account will be able to play when it's released sometime this Summer.

Do you want this to come to English-speaking regions? Sound off below.

(Thanks NeoGAF)