Tapforss Review

By , on February 15, 2013

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4 out of 5


  • Multiple difficulties adjust the success requirements; tackle the game as a casual challenge or a brutally unjust one.
  • Clean, colorful interface and presentation.
  • Simple controls offset by just the right amount of 'weight' to the orb; makes navigation challenging, but not counter-intuitive.


  • Scoring system unclear on how it judges performance; no clear cut-offs for taps/time.


Tapforss is the perfect fodder for those who fancy themselves as lovers of skill testers; despite the casual simplicity of its presentation and controls, simply surviving a level can be a frustratingly fun challenge all its own.

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There was a time when developers considered themselves almost in opposition of the player. It's a dynamic that creates an immediate level of conflict, but the hostility of a developer trying to 'screw you over' wore thin for some and for many others was entirely unwelcome. Tapforss is almost a return to this concept, albeit wrapped up in a cleanly presented time-trial title that manages to remain foreboding despite is colorful palette.

As the name would suggest, Tapforss by Like A Crocodile Game Studio is all about tapping... a lot of tapping. You're only given three controls to move around your gravity-defying orb and with these alone you'll need to navigate mazes filled with traps ready to crush or otherwise pop the orb before you get it to the end.

Players can tap to apply force in either an upward or sideways direction. You only add a modicum of force at a time, and the 'weight' of the orb is considerable despite the otherwise light gravity that pulls on it. The total effect is a ball that likes moving in the direction it's headed in, so navigating winding, jagged corners filled with crushing rocks, bouncy balls, or floating spikes is brutal all by itself.

And then the game adds in gravity and control twisting 'gates' and you have to wonder if the developer has something against the player. Thankfully restarts are fast and while some later levels can be far more frustrating to fail due to their size you can always take it slow and attempt 'speed runs' once you have the layout perfectly memorized.

Ultimately Tapforss is for those who enjoy the idea of testing their skill by attaining the 'perfect run'. It may not be a huge audience, but the competition is still going to be fierce.


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