Home » Articles and Reviews by 'Peter Willington'

Hands-on with Tiltagon, in which Super Hexagon meets Super Monkey Ball

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Hands-on with Tiltagon, in which Super Hexagon meets Super Monkey Ball

Tiltagon has you tilting and twisting and turning your iOS device here, there, and everywhere. A curious mix of endless action and maze roller, the procedurally generated stages have you guiding a ball around a minimalist course trying to collect as many points as possible before falling to your doom. I was lucky enough to see Tiltagon at Pocket Gamer's Big Indie Pitch in Finland during Slush, and just had to nab a TestFlight build to show you lovely lot too. Take a look.…

Our Danny's G-Star 2014 adventure in Busan, South Korea

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Our Danny's G-Star 2014 adventure in Busan, South Korea

Every so often we send off superhero Community Manager Danny Russell on an adventure. Last time we sent him to try out some Monster Hunter-themed food and video his reactions. This time we sent him to Korea. Don't worry though, we sent him to the nice bit... y'know... in the South. Specifically we sent him to G-Star 2014, a huge event attended by tens of thousands of Korean gaming enthusiasts. We'll have coverage of the games he saw there here on AppSpy soon no doubt (and over on Pocket Gamer too), but for the time being we thought we'd bring you a collage of the sights and sounds from his trip to Busan, via the magic of social media. Danny sets off.   A photo posted by Danny…

Valiant Hearts: The Great War comes to Android mobiles, tablets, and Google TV

News By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Valiant Hearts: The Great War comes to Android mobiles, tablets, and Google TV

We very much liked Valiant Hearts: The Great War when it came to iOS (and PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC) earlier in the year, being particularly impressed by its attempt at telling a truly mature story about one of the worst periods of human history.As of today Android owners can check out the game for themselves, with the first chapter costing £2.99, and the subsequent three chapters costing £2.49 a piece (there's also a bundle for all three). Google TV owners can purchase the complete game for £11.99. Dogs of War, the interactive comic book that accompanies the series, will also be available for free if you own the game. Here's the latest trail…

Hands-on with Flick Soccer 15, where flicking your balls at men in shorts (and women in bikinis) is actively encouraged

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Hands-on with Flick Soccer 15, where flicking your balls at men in shorts (and women in bikinis) is actively encouraged

The Flick Soccer series has been with us for some time, and the “flick object at other object” genre has been with us even longer than that. In that time the gameplay has evolved from needing to hit a specific target, to needing to hit a specific target from further away, then to adding curve and spin, and including multipliers and timers, and so on. Flick Soccer 15 is (expectedly) yet another evolution of this format, with all the polish and attention to detail you'd expect. Take a look at the game running below.…

Hands-on with Rescue Quest, the Match-3 that's forging a new path

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Hands-on with Rescue Quest, the Match-3 that's forging a new path

With so many Match-3 puzzlers available, and really only a handful that anyone sticks to playing, you have to do something pretty different to stand out from the crowd of “me too” gem swappers. Rescue Quest keeps the core of what makes Match-3 great, and then adds a little extra strategic depth by asking you to create a clear path between you and imprisoned fairies. I quite like Rescue Quest, and I think you might quite like it too. So take a look at my hands-on video below.…

Hands-on with Proun+, the frantic and flipping fast futurist racer

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Hands-on with Proun+, the frantic and flipping fast futurist racer

Proun+ is really fast. Really really fast. “Just how fast is 'really fast'?”, you ask. Ridiculously so, I respond. It also sports a fetching Futurist look, and though its art style occasionally gets in the way of the gameplay, it's quite beautiful in motion. Click play on the video below to see how I got on with it.…

Block2Block's creator wants you to ASMR yourself silly with your iPhone

News By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Block2Block's creator wants you to ASMR yourself silly with your iPhone

Described as an "addictive casual time killer", and with sound designed "according to the ASMR phenomenon", the whole point of Block2Block is to reach a state of Zen, achieve a sense of tranquillity, and just maybe give yourself a full on brain-gasm.Block2Block presents you with a 10 x 10 grid of squares, and you must make rows and columns to earn points, with multiple rows and columns rewarding you with combo bonuses that push you higher up the leaderboards. The game's free, and it could be an interesting one I reckon. Trailer's below, App Store download link is below that. [App Store link]…

Brand new Plunder Pirates video puts the 'pee' into 'F2P'

News By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Brand new Plunder Pirates video puts the 'pee' into 'F2P'

Midoki's put out a brand new animation for its free-to-play strategy management game Plunder Pirates. It's a typically tongue-in-cheek video, and though it's totally safe for work, it's definitely a bit cheeky. Got an iOS device and fancy playing the game yourself? Get it from the links under the video, and urine. [App Store link]…

Tail Chase is from a UK grandma who saw her dog chasing his tail and thought 'now THAT'S a good idea for a video game'

News By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Tail Chase is from a UK grandma who saw her dog chasing his tail and thought 'now THAT'S a good idea for a video game'

Dogs don't play video games. It's not because dogs can't play video games, it's that dogs simply don't need them. Why? Because they're never bored: they can always chase their tails, and as we all know that's probably the most fun thing ever. Since I'm not a dog, I don't have a tail, and consequently I'll never know such sweet relief from boredom as our canine chums. But a UK gran has thankfully stepped up and created the next best thing: a tail chasing simulator called Tail Chase. As if chasing your tail wasn't enough, the trailer for Tail Chase also promises Buzzy Bees, Manic Moles, and Bad Bunnies, so obviously you should immediately go and download it via our links below. [App St…

Ionscape is a futuristic auto-roller, and it's out now on iOS and Google Play

News By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Ionscape is a futuristic auto-roller, and it's out now on iOS and Google Play

Working Mill's new action game is called Ionscape, and it sees you bouncing between ceiling and floor, hoping to collect as many coins as possible without hitting any walls. If this sounds a bit tricky, it's because it is, but the controls are nice and simple: just tap to switch between roof and road. I really like the look of this thing, and that audio design doesn't seem too bad either! Ionscape is out now for iPhone, iPad, and Android. Here's the trailer. [App Store link][Google Play link]…

Very Big Budgets - AppSpy's Sunday Service

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Very Big Budgets - AppSpy's Sunday Service

Every Sunday we bring you a quick round-up of all the cool things from the site that we think you'll love. We call it AppSpy's Sunday Service - this week featuring Glen, the newest addition to the regular team. The Big Stories 1. It was a week of huge console games and TV properties getting tie-in mobile apps and spin-offs, starting off with Far Cry 4's poker tie-in... 2. … then The Crew coming to mobile (sort of)... 3. … and news of a new Need for Speed coming to a device near you. 4. Elsewhere we were concerned about this kid spending $3000 on Gems in Clash of Clans... 5. … and less concerned for the state of Johnny Rotten's bank account. AppSpy Recommends El…

7 movies recreated in extraordinary detail in Supernauts

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
7 movies recreated in extraordinary detail in Supernauts

We really liked Supernauts when we reviewed it way back in June of this year. It's a lovely little collaborative social game, and I spent many an hour building elaborate structures. But it never occurred to me that I could recreate the essence of a whole movie. Thankfully there are people in this world that are much much brighter than I am, and they've done exactly that. Here then are 7 of the very best silver screen creations from Supernauts, off of that there Everyplay. Wreck-It Ralph Despicable Me The Simpsons Independence Day Tron Toy Story Sharknado Think you've found an even better one? Let us know via the comments.…

The 5 most ridiculous smartphone endorsements by celebrities

Toplist By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
The 5 most ridiculous smartphone endorsements by celebrities

Sometimes the rich and famous decide to endorse brands and products in exchange for money. Sounds absurd and a little bit underhanded, I know, but it's true. Sometimes those brands and products are smartphones, and sometimes these celebrities appear in video advertisements in the hope that the masses will readily consume them, and start to think about how lovely and shiny and desirable said brands and products are. Many of them are completely ridiculous, and these are the five best. Hence the article title. HTC and Gary Oldman - Now this is what you want from a phone ad: a man making vaguely threatening remarks to you. The iPhone 6 and U2 - Well now... this one went south pretty quickl…

What does spending $3000 on Gems in Clash of Clans look like? This

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
What does spending $3000 on Gems in Clash of Clans look like? This

SlimmyshankCoC is a Clash of Clans player, and a fairly well-known one at that. He's mostly known because of his YouTube channel, and specifically his "Crazy Gem Spending" videos, in which he splurges a bunch of cash on IAPs in an effort to make himself artificially more powerful in Supercell's free-to-play strategy management title. I've gathered up all of these videos thus far, and tallied up how much he's spent in this series alone. It's a lot. So take a look at the episodes below and see what $3000+ of iTunes credit will buy you. Oh and FYI: from about video 6 onwards his videos get NSFW in some fairly immature ways. SlimmyshankCoC by name... 1. Total spend this video = $300 2.…

Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 11 - Creeper City

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago
Surviving in Minecraft: Pocket Edition, Episode 11 - Creeper City

You want one full hour of Minecraft: PE? Cool! Then I'm here to give that to you. I decided to stream my latest adventure in AppSpy world live on Twitch, and it went swimmingly. Well, it did to begin with. After a while I got completely lost, realised I was alone, got a bit scared, and then decided I needed to make another shelter to keep me safe during the night. But just as I began to let my guard down, it all went wrong. I did make the biggest diving board ever though, so that's something I suppose. Also: creepers! Missed an episode? Catch up here.…