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The Tuesday Best of - AR games for iOS 11

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The Tuesday Best of - AR games for iOS 11

It looks like it's Tuesday already. So that's something, I guess. And as you all know, Tuesday is when we round up three of the best games in a specific genre on the App Store. I think you can probably guess what I'm going to be rounding up today. Yup, that's right, it's AR games. A whole bunch came out on the App Store in the wake of iOS 11, so I figured it made sense to tell you which of them you should download. Because, to all intents and purposes, that is my job. As usual you can click on the emboldened names of the games below to download them. And if you've got your own AR suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments section at the bottom of the article. The Machines This…

The Monday Musing - What AR gaming needs to do to succeed

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The Monday Musing - What AR gaming needs to do to succeed

Well, last week was all about the AR wasn't it? AR this and AR that and the new iPhone is expensive but it does AR things so that's cool. Is AR the future of gaming? I don't know. I'll be honest, I'm not really sure it's the present of gaming yet. So in this week's Monday Musing I'm going to have a muse about what AR games need to do in order to to become an important force in mobile gaming. I've got some hints, I've got some tips, and I've got a whole shed full of mad ideas. If you've got any ideas that you think might help, feel free to chuck them into the comments section at the bottom of the article. I'm pretty sure that, together, we can make AR gaming incredible. Or completely non-se…

The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - September 22nd

News By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - September 22nd

Friday has come around again, bringing with it the chiming doom of another week. The days are fading, time moves inexorably onwards, entropy will claim us all. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't play some sick mobile games in the meantime. And since so many great ones came out this week, you probably need some sort of round-up to tell you where to spend your hard earned cash monies. Well fret not my wee friends, because that's exactly what I've gone and written for you. You can poke at the emboldened names of the games below to download them. And if you've got your own suggestions it really would be lovely if you put them in the comments section at the bottom of the article. I'll give you…

The Thursday Find - Stormbound

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The Thursday Find - Stormbound

It's Thursday. Hi there Thursday, how are you doing? Well. Cool. Let's cut to the chase then. Thursday is when we find things for you. And that's exactly what we've gone and done this week. You read that right, it's time for the Thursday find. You can click on the emboldened name of the game below to download it from the App Store. And if you've got your own suggestions about what people should be playing, feel free to share them in the comments below. Stormbound There are some really great games out on the App Store this week, so you should definitely check out our round up tomorrow, but for the Thursday find, I thought I'd share this little gem with you. It's a mobile MOBA, but it does…

Discover how to save £35 and win VIP tickets for Summoners War World Arena Championship in Paris

Feature By AppSpy Staff, 6 years, 7 months ago
Discover how to save £35 and win VIP tickets for  Summoners  War World Arena Championship in Paris

The wildly popular strategy RPG Summoners War has a massive fan base and we know that lots of our readers enjoy the game as well. So, brace yourselves, because we’re giving away two VIP passes to the Summoners War World Arena Championship finals in Paris on October 7th to one lucky UK reader. The Summoners War World Arena Championship is the competition of the year, pitting players from around the world against each other for a chance to compete in the World Finals in the U.S. in November. 16 European players are facing off at Le Comedia in Paris this October for $5,000 prize money and a spot in the World Finals, and you might just get a chance to witness all of the action. One lucky…

The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - September 20th

News By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - September 20th

Yes, it's Wednesday. It's been Wednesday for quite a while now, depending on where you are. It might not be Wednesday in some places. How does time even work? I have no idea. Go ask a grown up, we're here to talk about games. And on Wednesday (which is the day that today is), we talk about games that are on sale. Five of them. The best five that are currently going for cheap on the App Store. So that's exactly what we're going to do right now. As usual you can click on the emboldened name of the games below to download them from the App Store. And if you've got your own suggestions, feel free to toss them haphazardly into the comments section at the bottom of the article. Scurvy Scallywag…

The Tuesday best of - Games like Deus Ex GO

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The Tuesday best of - Games like Deus Ex GO

Sometimes here at AppSpy we like to be controversial. I know, I know, I'm surprised too. I thought we just said the nice things that the nice people wanted to hear. But no, we like to stick our oar in, wiggle it around, and see how long this metaphor can be stretched out for. Anyway, in our regular piece of Tuesday content this week, I've decided to throw up the three best GO games that aren't actually GO games. So they're like, GO-style games. Or something like that. Basically puzzle games that dress themselves up like third person adventures. And are good. As usual you can click on the emboldened names of the games below to download them from the App Store. And if you've got your own sug…

The Monday Musing - The 3 most interesting mobile games on KickStarter right now

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The Monday Musing - The 3 most interesting mobile games on KickStarter right now

Do you remember when Kickstarter was heralded as the future of game funding? That didn't really pan out did it? But that doesn't mean that there aren't still some excellent games on the service that are looking for funding. And since it's Monday, I thought I'd have a muse about three of them that look particularly promising. There's a big mix of styles here, and there might be something that you fancy throwing some monies at. I don't mind, that's up to you, it's your money. To break with tradition, you can click on the emboldened names of the games below to head on over to their KS pages. And if you've got your own suggestions about what people should be crowdfunding, feel free to stick th…

The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - September 15th

News By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - September 15th

It's Friday. I'm going to go climb some mountains later, but in the meantime I suppose I'll create some super hot content for you. That's just the kinda guy I am. Also it's my job, so, I guess that's a reason as well. Anyway, Friday is when we round up the best games that have come out on the App Store this week. And when I say we, I mean me. There's no one else here. I just like to give off the illusion that I'm working in a high-stakes newsroom, instead of in a corner of my flat surrounded by empty pop bottles. Fun. You can click on the emboldened names of the games below to head off to the App Store and download them. And if you've seen anything you think people should be getting, feel…

Iron Marines - AppSpy Review

Feature By James Gilmour, 6 years, 7 months ago
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The Thursday Find - Iron Marines

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 7 months ago
The Thursday Find - Iron Marines

Thursday. It is Thursday again. How on earth did that happen? Doesn't time fly when time is flying. In fact time always moves at the same speed, that's literally how it works. Anyway, I don't care to bore you with my rambling, so shall we push our faces straight into the Thursday find? As usual you can click on the emboldened name of the game below to shoot off to the App Store and download it. And if you've got your own stuff to get off your chest, feel free to stick it in the comments section all the way down there at the bottom of this hot, hot content. Iron Marines Iron Marines isn't just the best game that's come out this week, it's the best games that's come out in a good few months…

Creature Quest’s biggest update yet adds exciting new features

Preferred By AppSpy Staff, 6 years, 7 months ago
Creature Quest’s biggest update yet adds exciting new features

Big things are arriving in Creature Quest this month. A brand new Kingdoms feature, updated dungeons, and much more make September the largest update the game’s seen yet. Here’s all of the good, good content you can expect to see in the game. If you’ve never tried this addictive fantasy RPG, now’s the perfect opportunity. The biggest, most exciting new feature is Kingdoms. This new gameplay feature puts player in charge of their own kingdom. Players can select from dozens of buildings available for purchase, allowing them to build their own little empire according to their vision. Depending on the structure, you might even be able to earn stat boosts for your creatur…

We play Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, the new soft-launched multiplayer runner

Feature By James Gilmour, 6 years, 8 months ago
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The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - September 13th

News By Harry Slater, 6 years, 8 months ago
The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - September 13th

Look, we're all busy. I'm busy. You're busy. Sometimes you just don't have time for long winded introductions to pieces. It's Wednesday, here are the best games on sale for iPad and iPhone. Click the emboldened names to download them. Own suggestions? In the comments please. Done. Deus Ex: The Fall - 99p / 99c Probably one of the best FPS games on the App Store. It looks lovely, it gets that Deus Ex feel just about right, and there's a thick and juicy prequel story to sink your teeth into. For 99p you really shouldn't be turning your nose up at this one if you haven't played it yet. Read the Pocket Gamer review here Sproggiwood - 99p / 99c A wonderful mobile roguelike that's dripping wi…

We play Opus: Rocket of Whispers and try to send ghosts to the moon

Feature By James Gilmour, 6 years, 8 months ago
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