
- Publisher: Erik Svedang AB
- Genre: Photo & Video
- Released: 25 Jul, 2012
- Size: 2.9 MB
- Price: FREE!

- App Store Info
Hello,Good job finding this app... it's kind of secret now because I'm still ironing out some problems with the uploading of pictures. It still works though, as long as you are on a good network. Hopefully I will soon be able to upload a rock-solid version that is more fail safe. Then the price will change to $1 also, so you better grab it now =)
Quiddity is a game you play together with two or more other people. Every player gets a list of words that they have to take photos of. Creative interpretation is key! When everyone is done (or the time is up) you all vote on the pictures you think represent the words best. Your final score is the number of votes your pictures received from other players. You can't vote on yourself!
The game is very fun to play with friends in the same location. For this you can create a private game that only you know about. It's also possible to find a random group of people to play with.
- Requirements -
Internet connection
An iOS device with camera