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Loot & Legends iPad Review

Review DropForge Games By Harry Slater, 8 years, 11 months ago
Loot & Legends iPad Review

Do you love cardboard? Do you love polyhedral dice? Did you have a copy of Talisman that went mouldy? If the answer to some of those questions was yes, then you're going to love Loot & Legends.  And Harry from Pocket Gamer is going to tell you why.…

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Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion iPad Review

Review Rodeo Games By Harry Slater, 9 years ago
Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion iPad Review

Do you like your tactics stompy, your action turn-based, and your suits of armour powered by, er, power? Then Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion could be right up your dank corridor. Harry from Pocket Gamer gives it a once over in our video review, and he likes what he sees.…

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Ember Conflict - Real-Time Multiplayer Strategy Game! iPad Review

Review Substantial Games Limited By Harry Slater, 9 years, 1 month ago
Ember Conflict - Real-Time Multiplayer Strategy Game! iPad Review

Can you fit a real-time strategy game onto a tablet? What about a real-time strategy game that's squished up with a MOBA? And what if it's free to play? Harry from Pocket Gamer answers all of these questions, and more, in this video review of Ember Conflict.…

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Hitman: Sniper iPad Review

Review CDE Entertainment Ltd. By Harry Slater, 9 years, 1 month ago
Hitman: Sniper iPad Review

Hitman: GO managed to distill the sneaky essence of the Hitman series into an easy to grasp mobile format. Can Hitman: Sniper do that same? Er, nearly. Or at least that's what Harry from Pocket Gamer thinks anyway.…

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Bad Dinos iPad Review

Review Insomniac Games, Inc. By Mark Brown, 9 years, 2 months ago
Bad Dinos iPad Review

Ratchet and Clank developer Insomniac turns to dinosaur defence, for its latest mobile game. Will this prehistoric strategy game help revitalise a tired old genre?…

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Heroes and Castles 2 iPad Review

Review Foursaken Media By Mark Brown, 9 years, 2 months ago
Heroes and Castles 2 iPad Review

Mark tries to juggle strategy with slaughter in muddled hybrid Heroes and Castles 2, and ends up being murdered by a skeleton. Sigh - Fridays, eh?!…

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Spacecom iPad Review

Review 11 bit studios s.a. By Mark Brown, 9 years, 2 months ago
Spacecom iPad Review

It's a game about flat geometric shapes fighting for dominance over other flat geometric shapes. But does this space strategy game, published by 11it Studios, have more... *puts on sunglasses*... depth? Mark finds out.…

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Sid Meier's Starships iPad Review

Review 2K By Peter Willington, 9 years, 4 months ago
Sid Meier's Starships iPad Review

Taking place in the Civilization: Beyond Earth universe, Sid Meier's Starships is the latest effort from Firaxis. Does it live up to the hype? Peter Willington finds out.…

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Banner Saga Review

Review Stoic By James Gilmour, 9 years, 9 months ago
Banner Saga Review

It's been out on PC for a while, but viking epic The Banner Saga has finally made the trek onto iOS. It's an unforgiving tale of warring factions and ancient evils, played out via choose-your-own-adventure style choices and isometric strategy combat. Pocket Gamer's Jon Munday rose to the game's many challenges, and reveals his opinion in the video above.…

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Anomaly Defenders Review

Review EA Chillingo By James Gilmour, 9 years, 9 months ago
Anomaly Defenders Review

The Anomaly series made a name for itself by reversing the standard tower defence formula, and putting you in charge of the advancing force you usually find yourself repelling. However, for Anomaly Defenders, the final entry in the series, the studio has reversed its own genre reversal, ending its tower offence saga with a normal tower defence game. Has the move unlocked a new dimension to the sci-fi combat favourite, or is Anomaly Defenders one reversal too many? Pocket Gamer's Harr…

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Five Nights at Freddy's Review

Review Clickteam, LLC By James Gilmour, 9 years, 10 months ago
Five Nights at Freddy's Review

Five Nights at Freddy's is a weird game.  Cast as a night watchman, your job is to man the security desk at a children's restaurant. During the day, kids come to eat and be entertainent by the eatery's collection of animatronic animals, who laugh and dance and play with the squealing brats until closing time. At night, however, these souless automatons stalk the corridors of the building, looking for humans to stuff into bear suits.  It's your job to keep the building safe…

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The Nightmare Cooperative Review

Review Blazing Griffin Ltd By James Gilmour, 9 years, 10 months ago
The Nightmare Cooperative Review

Roguelikes are everywhere at the moment. You can't fire up iTunes without clapping eyes on a Dungelot or a Wayward Souls peeping out of the milky whiteness. However, as Pocket Gamer's Craig Granell discovered, The Nightmare Cooperative shouldn't be dismissed as yet another tile-based puzzler. Yes, it's filled with randomised dungeons and chance encounters and lots and lots of death. But there's a clever team dynamic at play that elevates it beyond the average swipe-powered puzzle adv…

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Game of Thrones Ascent Review

Game of Thrones Ascent Review

Game of Thrones Ascent’s premise is simple: raise yourself from the dirt of Westeros to become noble through some careful decision making and time management skills. By aiding the king you are initially rewarded a small holding to of land. Then you must then decide how you will lead your house to greatness: commit yourself to the realm, your family, or some other allegiance. Whatever your motivation, most of the decisions come with three possible options. Some of these are visib…

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Civilization Revolution 2 Review

Review 2K By Alex Beech, 10 years ago
Civilization Revolution 2 Review

Civilization Revolution 2 has a single goal: rule the world. How you set about achieving this easier-said-than-done task is open to interpretation. You could decide to control Gandhi in his march to military domination, or guide Bismarck to a religious victory, rewriting history with a selection of taps. Though Revolution 2 is based on previous Civilization games, there are added nuances to this new version. Fortunately, a tutorial walks you through the basic controls, showing yo…

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World of Tanks Blitz Review

World of Tanks Blitz Review

At its most reductive, World of Tank Blitz is a modern interpretation of the Atari classic Combat. But this mobile instalment the of tank-based arena warfare behemoth bring flair - and considerate monetisation - to the formula. A quick tutorial teaches you nuances of manoeuvring your metal death-machine using the virtual stick, buttons, and various drop down menus. It is a familiar system, but one made unique thanks to your tanks methodical pace and cumbersome turning circle. Th…

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