VO Funding

VO Funding
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This Mobile app is intended to provide information related to ongoing applications regarding funds and schemes for the voluntary sector, thereby facilitating any processes related to the funding opportunities in such an important sector in Malta. It will also provide notifications related to calls, results and other information related to funding. The mobile app will have a beneficial impact to better access information provided to individuals that work in the voluntary organisations sector in a timely and efficient manner.


Din l-app hija maħsuba biex tipprovdi l-informazzjoni relatata mal-applikazzjonijiet għal fondi u skemi fis-settur tal-volontarjat, u għalhekk tiffaċilita l-proċessi ta’ opportunitajiet ta’ fondi f’settur tant importanti f’Malta. Ser tkun qiegħda tipprovdi wkoll notifikazzjonijiet relatati mal-ftuħ tal-applikazzjonijiet, riżultati, kif ukoll informazzjoni oħra dwar diversi fondi. L-app se tkun ta’ benefiċċju billi tipprovdi lill-individwi li jaħdmu fis-settur tal-volontarjat aċċess aħjar u iktar effiċjenti għall-informazzjoni.

What's New in Version 1.2

This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate.

Minor updates.


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