The Pocket Gamer Podcast: Live on Twitch! (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

By , on May 22, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 8 months ago

Peter’s back from his Barcelona business trip just in time to join us for this week’s installment of the Pocket Gamer Podcast. Today, both he and James will be tackling this week’s news not just for iOS, but also Android, 3DS, PS Vita, Ouya, and any other platforms they can think of.

We’d love it if you could pop by for an e-chinwag with us in the chat window. A friendly hello'll go a long way, as will a cohesive argument for why Weed Firm shouldn't have been removed from the App Store. Especially whilst the travesty that is free-to-play Peggle is still being subjected to Kiwis via their App Store.

We’ll be streaming from our Twitch channel from 5pm UK / 9am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern time for around an hour. Get there early to take part in some news banter, and make sure you ‘Follow' us on Twitch to get notifications each time we go live.