We're streaming Modern Combat 5: Blackout live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

By , on July 22, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 7 months ago

Only a couple of days left till Modern Combat 5: Blackout hits the App Store!

As such, we're continuing Modern Combat week on our Twitch channel today, streaming an hour or more of Modern Combat 5: Blackout!

In case you missed it, we had a Modern Combat retrospective yesterday. We found that as time has gone on, each iteration of the Modern Combat series has been tighter, more graphically oustanding, and even more explosive than the game before it.

This bodes very well indeed for the latest entry in the series.

The wonderful chaps and chapettes over at Gameloft have given us five fabulous (large size) Modern Combat 5 hoodies to give away to folks in the UK & Ireland. While one can already be grabbed by retweeting this here tweet, the other four will be given away during the stream itself!

The show will be starting on our Twitch page at 5pm BST / 9am PDT, as per usual! Be there to experience what could be the greatest iOS and Android FPS to date, win hoodies, and tell us your impressions.