Hearthstone to get new Stormwind expansion in August

By , on July 2, 2021
Last modified 3 years, 7 months ago

Blizzard will be releasing Hearthstone’s next expansion in August, inspired by another iconic location from World of Warcraft. The Stormwind expansion will release for the game on 3rd August.

The new United In Stormwind expansion for Hearthstone includes 135 all-new cards inspired by the rites of passage shared by heroes in the eponymous gleaming city.

Questline cards for every class are being introduced in Stormwind, each one providing a look into the formative stories of the new mercenary characters that have been introduced as part of the Year of the Gryphon celebrations.

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You start a match with these Questline cards in your hand. Completing any of the challenges these cards present rewards you with powerful in-game effects, and once the third phase in each Questline is complete, the Mercenary in question joins your side as a powerful Legendary minion.

Stormwind for Hearthstone also adds a new keyword: Tradeable. Cards with this attribute provide new powerful situational effects, with an added flexibility of being able to swap them for another card for the cost of one mana point.

It’s also adding Profession Tools, which are placed into your weapon slot which unlocks unique abilities such as the Paladin’s Prismatic Jewel Kit that boosts the power of minions whenever they lose a Divine Shield.

Finally, you can also acquire Mount cards which are a form of a minion buff that summons a trusty steed to support them.

You can already preorder the United In Stormwind expansion, which comes in two forms. There’s the regular bundle which costs $49.99 and includes 60 packs from the expansion, two random Legendary cards, and the Lady Katrana Prestor card back.

Alternatively, you can pick up the Mega Bundle for $79.99 that comes with 80 card packs, 5 Golden card packs, two random Golden Legendary cards, the Lady Katrana Prestor Alternate Hero, the Lady Katrana Prestor card back, as well as the Ve’nari Alternate Bartender and other perks for Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

The United In Stormwind expansion launches on 3rd August. Download Hearthstone now from the iOS App Store or the Google Play for Android store.