Angry Birds Friends has team up with the World Health Organization to promote healthy and active lifestyles

By , on July 27, 2021
Last modified 3 years, 6 months ago

Rovio, Angry Birds Friends and the World Health Organization have teamed up to encourage players to stay active at home during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic alongside providing a few tips for how to do so.

To help raise awareness, players can complete The Stay Active tournament, which is available in the game for a week. It features 24 brand new levels that are all themed around sports, healthy living and tips for staying healthy and active from the World Health Organization.

Rovio hopes that engaging players through Angry Birds Friends and providing them with tips will help raise awareness and promote healthy lifestyles. In particular, they hope to help players realise that it's possible to stay active – to an extent at least – if you're confined to your home for a while.

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Discussing the importance of staying active, Andy Pattison, Team Lead, Digital Channels, Department of Digital Health and Innovation at WHO said: “WHO continues to advise people to find ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle — and protect their mental and physical health –including during periods when spikes in COVID-19 transmission means they’re spending more time at home.”

They added: “We encourage people who play interactive games and pursue other sedentary activities to incorporate movement into their routines and protect their mental and physical health when it’s needed most.”

Angry Birds Friends is available now over on the App Store and Google Play. It's a free-to-play game with in-app purchases.