PlaySide Studios reveal new entry in Dumb Ways series to assist parents with bedtime routine

By , on September 27, 2022
Last modified 2 years, 4 months ago

Parenting is a tricky business, especially when the children in question are bouncing off the walls because of bedtime, however, have no fear as PlaySide Studios has launched its new sleep app Dumb Ways to Sleep. Building on the successful Dumb Ways to Die brand, hopefully, with zero overlap here, this new app uses science to help drift the younglings off to the land of nod.

Dumb Ways to Sleep has been developed with science at the forefront, along with input from internationally renewed childhood mindfulness experts Peaceful Kids. It functions as a bedtime story and meditation app, hiding its skills behind the cutesy endearing characters of the Dumb Ways universe as a way to be accessible to the kids.

For the mindfulness side of things, there are guided meditations and breathing exercises to promote peace, balance and emotional well-being in users, important at any age. Dumb Ways also includes dozens of full-voiced bedtime stories starring two new endearing characters, Klutz and Bozo. The duo will take children along with them on their colourful adventures, with five full feature stories all including a built-in lullaby.

PlaySide Studios CEO, Gerry Sakkas, discussed the appeal of the new app, claiming ‘With its soothing music, sound and gorgeous art, parents and children alike won’t notice they are learning proven mindfulness techniques as they are whisked off to sleep. Guided by two new Beans, Klutz and Bozo, the focus of Dumb Ways to Sleep is on making a relaxing and enjoyable one-stop-shop for kids’ wellbeing, powered by real learnings,’

Dumb Ways to Sleep is free to download from the App Store and Google Play, however, this is a twist. The app is subscription based, costing a not insubstantial USD 9.99 a month, or if you pay for the year it's half price at $59.99. A hard price, but potentially worth it for healthy children and quiet nights.