Team up with the Guardian Dragon and celebrate the Lunar New Year in Play Together

By , on February 8, 2024
Last modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago

HAEGIN is getting involved in the Lunar New Year festivity with their latest content for social network game Play Together. From a special photo area, a special new fishing target, and a big event involving the Guardian Dragon, it will be a wonderful way to ring in the Year of the Dragon with friends.

During this event, players will be able to behind the great Guardian Dragon, and is that not what we all want out of life? Having made the trip to Kaia Island with their pupil to celebrate the Year of the Dragon, they immediately run into a bit of trouble as they realise all their Chintamanis have gone missing.

Help the dragon collect these, and you will soon be rolling in event coins. These shiny circle of festive fun can then be exchanged for a variety of azure dragon-themed items at Paraahn’s Guardian Dragon Shop. You can also pick up the Guardian Dragon costume, and a nice themed vehicle through this event.

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You would think with all the magical stories of these mythical beings, that dragons would be wise and rare creatures, but it turns out that on Kaia you can find one with a simple fishing rod. In certain parts of the sea and the Resort area, Gigantic Azure Dragons can be fished up with Sacred Bait, available to be crafted at the workshop, all throughout 2024.

Also added is the rather fun sounding Year of the Azure Dragon photo zone, set up in the Plaza for everyone to dress up and enjoy, probably in the new event outfits. It also coincides perfectly with Valentine's Day being this month for those couple photoshoots. To mark that occasion, Chocolat will be visiting the island on the 12th, bringing with her a host of missions to complete with a bevvy of rewards.

Play Together is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.