Monster Hunter Now celebrates the 20th anniversary of the storied series

By , on February 22, 2024
Last modified 11 months, 4 weeks ago

Next month marks two important anniversaries in the gaming calendar; the 20th anniversary of the legendary Monster Hunter series which helped pioneer its genre, as well as the half-anniversary of Monster Hunter Now. To celebrate, the mobile spin-off is hosting a variety of events.

To start with, there will, of course, be content to celebrate 20 years of the whole series. Players can knock out some themed Events to get rewards such as the 20th Anniversary Meal, rare Monster materials, some Gatherable materials, and Zenny. These will be available between March 4th and 24th for anyone who has completed the prologue.

From March 4th until the 13th, players will be able to hunt Zinorgre with ease, as they will be guaranteed to show up at Hunt-a-thon Points. There will also be increased sightings of powerful monsters across each habitat; Black Diablos in the Deser, Pink Rathian in the Swamp, and Azure Rathalos and Barioth in the Forest. Monsters, in general, will also reappear after one hour, and more frequently during this time. Do note, the Barioth will be disappearing from the game on March 14th, so act fast.

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Monster Hunter Now will also debut its second major update next month, titled The Vernal Invader. On March 14th, players will be able to chase new monsters as well as wield new weapons, along with a few other surprises Niantic is keeping in their back pocket.

Finally, there will be two exclusive packs available to purchase until April 1st. The MH Now Celebration Pack will be available March 1st and contains ten Potions, four Paintballs, and two very nice Special Carving Knives. Then, on March 4th, the Web Store-exclusive MG Now Celebration Premium Pack will offer 3,300 Gems, five Potions, and two Hunt-a-thon Tickets.

Monster Hunter Now is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.