Join the side of the most noble of space boys as a new faction prepares to enter Warhammer 40000: Warpforge

By , on March 12, 2024
Last modified 11 months ago

It has been nearly five months since Warhammer 40000: Warpforge launched and started building its fanbase, and now the legendary franchise's card game has released its first major expansion. You can now take control of a whole new faction and fight for the greater good of the universe.

On March 21st, the T’au will enter the fray, fighting for the Greater Good. A relatively young species in the Warhammer lore, they are a special kind of fanatics, marching ever forward for the good of the whole universe, if you believe them. Though they espouse non-violence, they won't hesitate to bring their technological prowess against anyone who doesn’t follow their particular brand of peace.

To join this war for peace, you can nab yourself a free starter deck of the T’au Empire by simply starting their campaign. Joining this rampage of goodliness and progress through their story, you will start picking up cosmetics, wildcards, and booster packs for the T’au to start packing their technological power.

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Of course, if you are looking to see if this is the faction for you, then simply head over to Practise Mode to try out some pre-constructed decks, letting you give them a go and learn how all their cards work together. Then, head to the Draft mode to take advantage of your one free entry per day to master the art of the deck build.

In celebration of the T’au joining the fight, release week will bring with it a host of promotions. Special promo codes will provide a free T’au booster pack, and you can take advantage of time-limited offers to grab some exclusive cosmetics. Might cost a bit of money, but it is for the Greater Good.

Warhammer 40000: Warpforge is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.